Sunday 21 May 2017

Sunday Post #41- My first 5 star review in 7 months

The Sunday post was created by Caffeinated Book Reviewer this is a post where we recap on the going on's on the blog the week previous and the week coming up as well as the awesome books we have received, bought or been gifted for review!

As you can see from the title of this blog post I read my first 5 star book in seven months. I have been reading great books but just none where hitting the 5 star mark until this week and that book was Inferno by Catherine Doyle. Its the second book in the blood for blood trilogy and its a YA book- Romeo and Juliet meets the sopranos and its so, so good. I will have my review up later this week but until then you can check out my review of the first book Vendetta here. I also had some great blog posts this week, which you can check out below.

GUEST POST & #GIVEAWAY : MUSINGS ON POPULARITY BY MARNIE LAMB -You can win 1 of 2 paperbacks of The History of Hilary Hambrushina by Marine Lamb open internationally

Coming this week

Discussion- Top 5 books of 2017 so far

10 books I wanna buy next

Top 5 2017 summer releases and giveaway

Review: Inferno by Catherine Doyle

Help needed

Image result for suicide squad

So on Friday I finally watched Suicide Squad and really enjoyed it. At first I wasn't too sure of it but by the end I loved it. Now I really want to read some of the comics and I don't know where to start. I have never read any comics or graphic novels so I am totally clueless. I am interested in the Suicide Squad comics but am also interested in stuff on Deadshot and Harley Quinn. So any help pointing me in the right direction of where to start would be great. 

How has your week been? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Yay! on getting a five star review...a long time to wait!

    1. It was such a relief I didn't think I was ever going to get one again :)

  2. Ohh I'm so curious about Inferno. You make me want to read it NOW. I'll check it out. Thanks for recommending it, Megan.
    Enjoy your books and have a wonderful week. :)

    1. The trilogy is so good I highly recommend it :) Hope you had a great week.

  3. Yay I'm glad you found a 5-star read! I think the only 5-star I had this year so far was a graphic novel that didn't even have words lol but it gave me all the feels so I just gave it the stars. So yeah, I know the feeling of going a while without a 5-star!

    1. I am glad I finally got a five star read I thought I was never going to get one again.

  4. I've been wanting to watch Suicide Squad but just haven't gotten to it yet. I've heard that a good place to start with SS in comics is Suicide Squad Vol. 1 Kicked in the Teeth which is a graphic novel collection, and Gail Simone's Secret Six Vol 1 Villains United is supposed to be Deadshot- oriented. Harley Quinn Vol 1 Hot in the City maybe. Hope these help...

    Glad you had a 5 star read! Have a great week ahead...

    1. Thank you Greg I will check those out :) How you had a great week.

  5. I think my last 5 star was at the beginning of this year. Haven't had one since which is sort of a bummer. :)
    Suicide Squad movie was a fun movie, my husband watches it every time it's on, he said he really likes it.

    Have a great week, Megan! Happy Reading!

    1. It is such a bummer I want all my reads to be 5 stars but sadly they arent. It was different from all the other but I loved that about it.

  6. So funny we both had a 5 star read and for both of us, it was the highlight of our Sunday Post! Glad we both finally fell totally in love with a book again. Ah yes, I loved Inferno too! I really must buy book 3 in this series ASAP!

    1. Lol I know am so glad to finally have one. You must it was really good.

  7. I love a good 5 star read! Have a great week ahead!

  8. So glad you found a stunning read that earned 5 stars from you....hope you find more! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. I hope I find more too. Hope you had a great week.

  9. Suicide Squad was cute, but I wasn't too taken by the plot in the movie somehow. Nice that you enjoyed it though :) have a nice week!

    1. It was really different from the other super hero movies which I liked the story was a bit all over the place there wasn't much of a plot I agree but I thought it was just a fun movie :) Hope you had a good week

  10. You are the first person to tell me that Suicide Squad is good! I haven't seen it yet... :(
    I'm glad you finally found a five star read after all this time! Seven months is FOREVER.

    1. It was entertaining :) So am I it felt so long ...

  11. I'm not a HUGE fan of comics, but I really liked the Batgirl comics. And there's a Brothers Grimm fairy tales one that I used to read....Grimms Fairy Tales.

    Hope you have a great week!

  12. With a 5 Star rating and that tag line, Inferno sounds like something I would like. I'm reading a lot of 4 Star books lately too. Waiting for one to blow my socks off soon!

    My Sunday Post

    1. You need to check out the trilogy it's so so good

  13. I love graphic novels! I really only started reading them in the last few years, but they can be awesome. I have no idea how to go about reading them though. I look them up on Goodreads or I just wing it. lol There is one YouTube channel I subscribed to, but never really watch called Comic Book Girl 19. I need to start watching her on a more regular basis. If you have a comic book store nearby go pick their brains. They'll be delighted to help. Other than that, I got nothin'. :)

    1. Thanks it feels like a minefield going into graphic novels but I really want to try. I am definitely going to go to the comic book stuff near me and ask for sms advise.

  14. Cracking that 5 Stars is such a great feeling when it arrives after months of 'really great but not quite there!'. I had that experience with Karl Geary's Montpelier Parade in January.

  15. You're the second blogger I've come across today who said she read her first five star book of the year this week. Glad you finally found one you loved!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  16. Yay for the first 5 star book of the year! Always fun to find a book that just works for you. I have Suicide Squad recorded but haven't watched it yet. My comic knowledge is jsut about nothing so I am glad to see you enjoyed it without reading the comics first. Have a great week!

    1. I was so glad to find one Katherine. It was entertaining you should watch it when you have time. Hope you had a good week

  17. Well now you have me curious about Inferno and the series! Happy you got a 5 star read :)

  18. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm so lucky I've been on such a good spate of books lately but only one 5 star in 7 months! Now I have to go and check out the book!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
