Friday 13 May 2011

Author Interview: Tiffany King

Hey Tiffany. Thanks for taking the time out to do this interview with me. Firstly, I just want to send congrats your way on selling 339 copies in your first month. Thats awesome. For everyone that doesn't know what is your debut novel Meant to be about.

Meant to Be, is a classic love story which is something everyone can relate to, but with a mysterious twist. Krista, the main character, is not exactly your everyday teenager. She has never been able to connect with anyone in her life, and she is un-naturally consumed by the emotions of others, to the point that she becomes ill. The only boy that she has ever been in love with doesn't even exist. He visits her each night in her dreams. After a tragic event, Krista moves west hoping for a fresh start, but her world is turned upside down when she meets a girl that shares her same traits and a boy that claims to know about her dreams. Krista must overcome her fears and find the strength within her that she never realized she had to solve the mystery behind the connection that binds them together.

Where did you get your inspriation for Meant to be?

My daughter was my biggest inspiration for Meant to Be. I wanted to give her a book that she could lose herself in. I wanted a great love story to share with her. So many books deal with triangle situations that I wanted to give her something different. No team Edwards or Jacobs here hehehe.

The cover art is so beautiful for Meant to be. A shout out needs to go to the cover artist Brittany M. King. How much input did you have in the cover process and design?

 I LOVE the book cover for Meant to Be and think Ms. King did a fabulous job on it. I was able to add my input on the entire cover and I am so glad she saw my vision. I am already looking forward to working with her again for the next book.

How does it feel to have your book out there for all to see and of course critize?

It is unreal to see my book out there and to see all the fabulous reviews. On the other hand it's extremely hard to hear it criticized. When you write a book it becomes a part of you like another child and it pains you to see others hate your new "child." Thankfully almost everyone has been fabulous with their reviews and I am very grateful to all of them.   

Is there any books releasing this year that you are looking forward to reading?

There are two books I cannot wait to get my hands on; the first is Half-Blood by Jennifer Armentrout and the second is Ashfall by Mike Mullin.

Which book do you wish you could have written?

Ohhh fabulous question, I wish I had written Harry Potter. Not for the $$$ but because of the fact JK is a flippin' genius and I wish I was a genius like her hehehe.

What was some of your favourite books to read when you were a child/teenager?

I loved all the books that Judy Blume wrote. I was also a fan of Where the Red Fern Grows and The Outsiders.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

To never ever give up!! For every writer there is an audience and you should live your dream :o)

You can buy Tiffany's book Meant to be right now! At:


Barnes & Noble:
Paperback Version:


  1. What a great interview. Secretly, I'm actually Team Tiffany <3

  2. Oh, I read Where the Red Fern Grows so many times as a kid!

  3. The book cover of Meant to be really catch my attention. It's different from most YA novels. The first time I saw it I thought it was a children book and when I found out it's not I am curious.

  4. I wanna read Half-Blood too! :)
