Wednesday 8 June 2011

Author Interview: Leesa Birch author of The Lake Dweller Series

Hey Leesa. Thanks for taking the time to do this interview with me. You write The Lake Dweller Series. Could you tell me a little about the series?

The Lake Dweller series is about a seemingly average girl named Ivy. She belongs to a race of healers who live amongst us unoticed. Every so often they return to their lakes to cleanse and rejuvenate, to rid themselves of the pain and suffering of the people they have healed. Whilst hiding out in the city of Chicago, Ivy works nights in a free clinic, helping to heal where she can. Everything was going fine until something strange happened. Ivy finds that she can manipulate water. A power that has been forbidden amongst her people for a long time. Learning to controll her new ability, Ivy is soon caught up in a game of cat and mouse, running from old enemies and making a few new ones along the way.

Where did you get the idea for The Lake Dweller Series?

The Lake Dweller series grew directly from the character Ivy. We all know people who are suffering or have suffered in their life. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could have helped? It is for these reasons alone that I decided on healers for the world in which my books are set.

The covers for The Lake Dweller Series are beautiful. They are some of the most beautiful covers I have seen in a while. Who designed the covers, did you have any input into the design of the covers?

The covers were designed for me by the talented artist, Christel Michiels of Darkyria Design. I usually give her a basic idea of what i'd like and leave the rest up to her. I 'm a big fan of her work and I love everything she creates.


The third book in The Lake Dweller Series is called Tome III: Torn!  Have you finished writing the third book, do you have a release date and will this be the last in the series?

The third book in the series, Torn is coming along nicely. However it has been put on hold while i'm relocating, so I don't have a release date as of yet. I have the forth book planned out and ready to write as soon as I finish Torn. I have been told by some of my readers that they would like at least eight or nine books in the series. I will do my very best to make that happen.

How has your writing journey been so far? Are you enjoying it, any tough hurtles to overcome etc?

I have enjoyed the writing process so far, although I tend to have difficulty sleeping when my creative juices are flowing. I always keep a torch and notepad under my pillow so I don't disturb my husband. The toughest part for me as a writer is when it comes time to put the book out there. I'm technologically challenged, so reformating for E-books and paperbacks is a complete nightmare for me.

How does it feel knowing that your books are out there for everyone to critique?

I love that there are people out there reading my work. I try not to worry about critiques too much, I understand that my books aren't for everyone.

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

My advice for aspiring authors would be, never give up what you enjoy doing, keep at it. Also, if you like your work, then share it with others. We all love to read.

Finally some quickfire questions:

Summer or Winter? Winter

Fiction or none- Fiction- Fiction.

Chocolate or ice-cream- Chocolate ice-cream.

Favourite place to write- Anywhere that's completely silent.

Dream Holiday destination- The Orient express from Hong kong through to Chiang Mai.

Fiction or Non- fiction? Fiction

*Check out Leesa's website where you can read a few chapters of each book.

*Leesa's book's are available though or e-book from Amazon.

*Follow Leesa on twitter  and facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Great interview! The series sounds quite promising & worth checking out.
