Tuesday 13 September 2011

Author Interview & Giveaway with Devyn Dawson

A little about Devyn and her writing career so far:

Hi, thank you so much for offering me the opportunity to be on your blog.  My name is Stefanie Dawson and I write Young Adult books under my pen name Devyn Dawson.  I started writing when I was very young; I was a poet from the day I was born.  I always thought I’d be the next Dr. Seuss and I still might try a children’s book in the future.  I wrote stories and poetry through high school and ended up in Who’s Who among American High School Students back when they had a Who’s Who.  I grew up, got married, had kids, had bills and had to get a job.  I spent my professional career working in the field of EDI (electronic data industry) until I moved to North Carolina eight years ago and took a job with local government.  In the evenings I would start a story but wouldn’t end it, I just didn’t have the time. 

In 2009 I was given a life changing diagnosis and at that point I left my full time job and spent the next year writing a manuscript.  I queried agents, and I was rejected… talk about painful, it was through the first ten.  My rejections where because of the subject matter….werewolves. The market is full of paranormal and they weren’t sure they would be able to sell to a publishing house. A few asked for a full MS but would eventually reject me.  It doesn’t kill you, but it sure will make you stronger!  Finally I threw myself into researching the Indie road and finally decided to do it.   I will say a wonderful Indie author Tiffany King helped me with social media and gave me pointers on how to get noticed.  I’m still the student and I learn something new every day.

You are the author of The Legacy of Kilkenny, the first book in the The Legacy Series. Could you tell us a little about it? 

The Legacy of Kilkenny (The Legacy Series)

Abel is an ordinary teenage boy that soon found out he is a werewolf.  Werewolves grew up with a story that one day a boy would be born to human parents; he would be the Great Wolf.  The Great Wolf will lead all packs and help them keep the supernatural world from exposing their secrets.  Pru Phelan, she is the daughter of the alpha for her pack and she has been assigned to train Abel for his destiny.  

Other packs want Abel so they can destroy him and some just want him for their own status.  The vampires want to kill him.  The story is told by Abel’s POV and from Pru’s POV.  It gives you the opportunity to learn how Abel longs for Pru to notice him and how Pru longs for her bodyguard Oakley.  You will notice the beginning of the book starts out with a average 16 year old  boy and will see how he matures throughout the story. The reader will find a love story that will melt their heart; they will cheer Abel on and see him struggle along the way.  His sister has a new boyfriend, she doesn’t know that he is a vampire and she now has vampire venom in her veins.  Can they save Allie before she becomes a full blown vampire?  Allie is already moody but get a little venom in her and the sparks fly.  Can Abel become one with his soul so he can become the Great Wolf?  Can Pru handle the pressure or will she break?  Someone from the pack will not survive the first book and the rogue wolves are now the hunted one.

Where did you get the idea for The Legacy of Kilkenny? 

In many adult series they add a lot of story lines, ones that you can sink your teeth into.  I wanted to bring something with a story that wasn’t a love triangle to young adults.  My characters have lived in my head a long time but their story was something born out of a desire for a story that would appeal to both sexes.

In your novel we have vampires and werewolves. Vampires and werewolves stories are big at the moment with books and films such as Twilight, True Blood and The Vampire diaries. Why did you decide to write about these particular paranormal creatures and how do you werewolves and vampire compare to other well known vampires, werewolves etc. 

I’ve loved vampires since I was a little girl watching black and white vampire movies with my mom.  In the 80’s I fell in love with the movie The Lost Boys - there was something sensual and erotic about the vibe the story told.  I read The Interview with the Vampire and was spellbound.  Although I adore Twilight because I do… I wanted to write a story that was more about a ‘story’ and not  a love triangle. 

So I explained my love for vampires so now I tell you how I feel about werewolves. I wasn’t every really fond of the beasts until I owned three black labs.  I realized that with dogs they interact much like humans within their ‘pack’ and they look to us humans as the true ‘Great Wolf’…so I studied my dogs and I thought about my family and I created a book about werewolves (they aren’t ugly beasts either).   

As far as the comparison goes, I have been compared to Twilight the most and I believe that is because I bring the magic to the story and I make you feel like you want to be in the story.  You don’t want to be a bystander, you want to fight a vampire, accept your body when it is naked, and you want to fall in love with a werewolf.  Bundle that all up and that is what my story will do for you.

How many more books are there going to be in The Legacy series?


Why should we read The Legacy of Kilkenny?  

It will bring out the werewolf in you.

Are you currenly working on any projects at the minute?  

Yes, I am writing the sequel to TLOK it is Malevolence - to be released in November 2011 .  You’ll meet some new characters, travel to Paris to help Pru avenge a death.  Abel has grown up, he is more mature in this book but still has that teenage boy charm.  I am also working on a book for 10-14 year old girls. 

Devyn's book history 

Favourite book as a child and why?  My Garden Full of Poetry - I loved poetry as a child.

Favourite book as a teenager and why?   IT - it was the first book to give me a nightmare

Favourite book you have read this year and why?  The Help - I found it very good story telling and it made me giggle and cry.

A book that has taught you a lesson and how?  All Harry Potter books - a child’s imagination can be tickled by an author’s imagination - you just have to write it!

A book you would reccommend to my readers?  Urban supernatural YA = A Touch Mortal  - Adult Supernatural -Books by Jocelyn Drake or Kelley Armstrong - YA Vampire - Richelle Mead - YA Werewolf - The Legacy of Kilkenny!

Thanks to Devyn for the awesome interview. The Legacy of Kilkenny is now available on Amazon & Barnes & Noble

Follow Devyn:



Thanks to Devyn she is offering two lucky winners a Ebook copy of her novel The Legacy of Kilkenny and a signed postcard!

-There will be two winners!
-Giveaway is US only!
-You must be a GFC follower
-Leave a nice comment for Devyn

Giveaway sponsered by Devyn
Giveaway ends 25th September

For more awesome giveaway's click the current giveaway tab along the top of the blog!


  1. Great interview! I can't wait to read this one - thank you for sharing! :)

  2. Great interview! I love IT as well. I love that Devyn chose to write a "story" and not a love triangle.
    GFC follower: Leigh Ann

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  4. Devyn, your book sounds terrific! I love the idea of The Great Wolf being born to human parents, and also throwing vamps in for a nice twist! I would love to be entered to win a copy:)
    GFC follower
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  5. This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC: Erin baker

  6. Yay a book with no love triangles, they are starting to get on my nerves! But this book sounds awesome, thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC follower Aydrea

    danceislove27 At gmail DoT com

  7. Love that you mention Lost Boys - awesome flick!!

  8. Devyn and Megan, awesome interview! Devyn, you are like me, I just can't find the time to write. I'm sorry about your diagnosis, though. I guess Life decided to give you more time to write your passion. I would very much love to read your series! I see in the books you suggest for genres that you like a lot of the same authors I do.

    I wish you nothing but happiness and success Devyn!

    Megan, as always, excellent job!

  9. Hi to everyone that commented - I'm so happy that you took the time to read the interview and would like to offer all of you The Legacy of Kilkenny - I will be emailing you a code to use (if your email is listed). Thank you so much! If your email isn't listed - please email me at devyndawson(at)yahoo(dot)com with Reading Away The Days Winner

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