Saturday 24 September 2011

Loads of winners to announce!

Hey! Here the the winners of some of my awesome giveaways that ended in the last week!

First up the winner of my six month blogoversary swag pack. The swag pack includes:

x1 Redheart by Jackie Gamber bookmark
x1 Daimon the prequel to Half Bloof by Jennifer L.Armentrout bookmark

x1 Signed bookmark of Nightspell by Leah Cypess
x1 Signed bookmark of Mistwood by Leah Cypess
x1 Book Deposterality boomark
x1 A Dark Days of supernatural bookmark
x1 Mini Meant to be car signd by Tiffany King
x1 A touch Mortal sicker signed by Leah Clifford
x1 Signed Sherry & Nrcotics by Nina marie Cliffored
x1 A Sophie Mc Kenzie
x1 Taker tattoo and Taker Card
x1 Of Witches and Warlocks series postcard by Lacey Weatherford.

And the winner is:

#34 Diana

Up for grabs next was TWO Spirit Guide packs from E.J Stevens!

Swag pack one includes:

A signed Legend of Witchtrot Road postcard
She Smells the dead bookmark
A set of Spirit Storm trading cards
Swag pack one winner is:

#2 Gwen

Swag pack two includes:

Signed She smells the dead & Spirit Storm postcard
She smells the dead bookmark
A set of She Smells the dead trading cards
Swag pack two winner is:

#7 Leigh Ann

The next winner had the chance to win an Ebook of either With Good Behaviour (The Conduct Series #1) or Bad Behaviour (The Conduct Series #2) both by author Jennifer Lane!

Jennifer guest posted on my blog about YA vs Adult. For the chance to win Jennifer asked "What differences do yo usee in YA vs Adult? What makes you prefer one over the other?

The winner is:

#3 Pabkins

Pabkins answer was: Well YA you have little to no sexual content but just as much romance. It seems to read quicker for me than adult does. I definitely don't prefer one over the other. I only recently the past few years started reading more YA.

Finally the winner of my Ebook bundle which included an ebook of Between by Cyndi Tefft and an ebook of Winnemucca by Laura Elliot is:

#3 The Queen of Teen Fiction

Congrats to all the winners!

I currently still have some awesome giveaways happening. Click the current giveaway tab along the top of the blog!