Sunday 6 November 2011

Review: Far From War by Jeffrey David Payne

I was kindly given Far From War for review from Roche Harbor Books. You can check them out here!

Far From War is from debut novelist Jeffrey David Payne and is the first book in a trilogy. When I first picked up Far From War I was a little confused as the book is set in Washington D.C. where the main character Esther is serving as a page in the United States House of Representatives. The confusion was I don't live in the U.S. and I don't know how the whole political system works there. However there was just something about the book that made me want to continue reading it and once I got my head around the politics I discovered that it's not all about the politics and conflict.

While Esther is serving as a page a modern day Coup D'Etat is staged among Rougue Politicians and military leaders leading to a civil war. Esther must then travel from Washington D.C. to her home on ORCAS Island though ruined and seiged cities and towns being attacked from all sides.

Payne makes the story feel very real and though the eyes of Esther we see the tradegy of war and also humanity at it's best and worst. Esther grows as a person and it's great to go on that journey with her. Payne is not one for sugar coating the situation and along the way Esther does lose people she loves and cares about in some horrific ways. I liked this as the reality is in war you have to be realistic that not everyone is going to survive and you may lose loved ones. On Esther's journey though, understanding, pain, loss and heartache she finds love which was a refreshing feel to the story.

Over all I really enjoyed Far From War. The story really draws you into it and makes you feel like you are living though the situations that occur with the characters, with a strong and great main character in Esther. I can't wait for the next book in the series The mail still runs releasing July 4th 2012.

For all you guys worrying about not understanding the politics of the book, don't worry, if I can understand it anyone can :) and as I said it is not all about the politics and fighting but a journey of love, hope and ultimate understanding lived though the eyes of a forgettable character.

4/5 Butterflies

You can find Jeffery:

Twitter: @jeffreydpayne

*Note: 16+ recommendation

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