Tuesday 3 January 2012

Author Interview: Marissa Meyer author of 2012 debut Cinder!

Welcome to the blog, 2012 debut author Marissa Meyer! Today (January 3rd) sees the release of Marissa's debut novel, Cinder in the US! Check out my interview with Marissa, where we find out where she got the idea for Cinder, how she is feeling about releasing her debut novel and most importantly why we should read Cinder!

A little about Marissa:

Let's see. Name: Marissa Meyer. Age: 27. Family: 1 husband, 3 cats. Occupation: writer (!!), and I have dreamt of saying that since I was a little kid. I always loved reading and would rather be curled up with a good book rather than doing almost anything else in the world. I also had an overactive imagination growing up and used to make up stories in my head all the time, in which I was a princess or a superhero or a spy-heck, I still do that! Becoming a writer has always felt a little inevitable.

Can you tell us a little about your debut novel, Cinder?

I'd be delighted to. In my novel, Cinderella is re-envisioned as 16 year old Cinder, a girl who is part human, part machine. Her innate ability with mechanics brings her in contact with the handsome Prince Kai, and soon she is caught in a political battle of wills between Earth and the cruel Lunar Queen who wants to rule it.

Where did you get the idea for Cinder?

A few years ago, I wrote a futuristic retelling of "Puss in Boots" for a short story contest. It was my first experience writing anything futuristic and I had a lot more fun with it than I would have expected. While I was working on it, I had an idea to write an entire series of sci-fi fairy tales. A few months later, as I was falling asleep one night, I had the coveted flash of inspiration: Cinderella as a cyborg! The series started expanding in my head quite fast after that.

How does it feel to be releasing your debut novel?

AMAZING. And also TERRIFYING. The praise and enthusiasm so far has been wonderful and I'm so grateful to my publisher for getting behind the book like they have, and of course every one who has been spreading the word about it (like you bloggers!) At the same time, though, it feels like the book has taken on a life of it's own- it's not my quaint little story anymore. It's a real book out in the world and it has to stand on it's own. That's a very scary thought.

What would you class your YA book, Cinder as, as some say dystopian, fantasy, paranormal, science fiction, steampunk etc. What would you class it as, is it a mix of all the above?

I've been calling it "space opera" -which wikipedia defines as " a subgenre of science fiction that emphasises romantic, often melodramatic adventure, set mainly or entirely in outer space, generally involving conflict between opponents possessing advanced technologies and abilities." I think that fits pretty well, although I like to think of it as more epic than melodramatic. :)

Cinder is part take on the fairy tale Cinderella. Is this one of your favourite fairy tales?

Definitely! I've a weakness for rags-to-riches tales. Who doesn't love the idea that at any moment they could be lifted out of their drab life and put into something new and fabulous?

Cinder is the first in the Lunar series. How many will there be in the series?

There will be four book total: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress and Winter. While Cinder continues to be the main protagonist, in each book she is joined by a heroine inspired by a different fairy tale (Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Snow White), as they join forces against a common enemy.

Why should we read Cinder?

This is probably a self-promo fail, but I don't like telling people what they should do! But I do hope that fans of fantasy and sci-fi, adventures and romance, brave heroines and cruel villains, will check out the book and that they'll enjoy it!

Cinder is available now @: Barnes & Noble , Amazon & Indie Bound

Follow author Marissa @: Twitter: @Marissa_Meyer, Marissa's blog & become a fan of lunar chronicles on facebook & Marissa Meyer on facebook!


  1. Definitely an original take on Cinderella. Sounds intriguing, and I love the cover!

  2. I've been seeing this one around everywhere!! sounds super good :)
