Sunday 6 May 2012

Author Interview: Jennifer Shaw Wolf author of Breaking Beautiful

I am happy to introduce you all to Jennifer Shaw Wolf who just recently released her debut YA novel Breaking Beautiful. I hope you enjoy the interview, if you have time why not leave a nice comment below for Jennifer :)

A little about Jennifer:

I’ve always been a reader and I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I wrote a lot up until high school, but then let my writing go while. I have four kids and the“mommy” thing didn’t leave a lot of time or brainpower for writing. During that time I wrote a lot in my head when I ran or when I was doing laundry, etc (some people call this daydreaming). About four years ago I decided to just try to write a book. I wrote my first one in 8 weeks and started on another one. In the meantime, my sister-in-law who is an author, Angela Morrison helped me edit my first story and helped me learn what it took to get published.

In a nutshell, once I had the bug I queried, was rejected, wrote and queried some more. BREAKING BEAUTIFUL is my third completed novel.

 Can you tell us a little about your debut novel Breaking Beautiful?

BREAKING BEAUTIFUL is about a Allie, a girl who’s trying to recover from the car accident that killed her boyfriend, Trip while maintaining the secret about their relationship. Because Trip was abusive, Allie feels everything from grief, to guilt, to relief that he’s gone. She also has an uneasy feeling that the accident wasn’t really an accident. As she tries to put her life back together, the accident investigation is reopened. Her small town focuses the blame on her and on her best friend Blake. Ultimately, Allie has to decide whether telling the truth will save her or condemn the people who tried to help her.

Where did you get the idea for Breaking Beautiful?

I can trace the initial story idea back to a writing prompt I did for an on-line writing class taught by Ann Gonzales, but seeds of this story came from lots of different places. In high school I took care of a little boy with cerebral palsy, (the book is dedicated to him) I grew up in a small town like Pacific Cliffs, I love the mystery and harsh beauty of the beaches in Northern Washington, and I have known people who were survivors of abuse. Like any story, BREAKING BEAUTIFUL is a culmination of a lifetime of feelings and experiences.

How does it feel to have released your debut novel?

Amazing. Stressful and definitely more work than I imagined it would be, but the overwhelming feeling is that this is so cool. I can’t believe it’s real.

Why should we read Breaking Beautiful in one sentence?

Breaking Beautiful is a story that will make you think, make you hurt, make you hope, and keep you guessing until the end.

Get your copy of Breaking Beautiful from these online sites:

Amazon (UK)

Stalk Jennifer ;)

Twitter: @jenniferswolf

Facebook: Jennifer Shaw Wolf, Author

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