Friday 9 November 2012

YA Feature: Author Tim Mettey - FREE KINDLE EBOOK DOWNLOAD

The Author:

Tim Mettey learned to value and lead a lifestyle of service from an early age. As the son of prominent local pastor Reverend Wendell E. Mettey, he had frequent opportunities to travel to Nicaragua, immersing himself in the culture and the environment to aid the less fortunate.  As part of those early trips, Tim offloaded and delivered humanitarian and disaster relief as well as rebuilt and upgraded schools and hospitals. In many ways, this work inspired the foundation of his writing style and the content of his stories.   

Tim attended the University of Cincinnati and spent his early 20s developing his marketing and promotional business skills through a number of entrepreneurial businesses.  Tim then began working at Matthew 25: Ministries.  He advanced through various roles within the organization to his current position of CEO and Disaster Relief Coordinator.  His experiences and expertise in responding to disasters around the world set the background for Tim’s first book.

Tim is happily married to his wife, Chanin, and is the father of four beautiful daughters: Olivia, Cora, Noel and Ashlyn.

The Book:

The Heroes Chronicles: Secrets Book one!

In Secrets, the Hero Chronicles Book 1, the Midwest lies in complete ruins after a catastrophic disaster kills tens of thousands and leaves hundreds of thousands injured. Nicholas Keller emerges out of the devastation as a shining light of hope for all. But his newfound fame comes with a price that his aunt will not let him pay. They flee into the shadows in order to protect his secret. However, as Nicholas begins his sophomore year at his fifth school in five years, strange and unexpected things begin to happen.  He soon tumbles into a web of doomed love, extraordinary talents and a secret past, which threatens the lives of everyone he cares about. It’s up to Nicholas to confront the truth, even if it means his own death. 

The inspiration & research behind the book

My inspiration for the book is the men, women and children that have either stood up for someone or risked everything for someone, no matter what the consequences were.

While responding to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 as Matthew 25: Ministries’ Disaster Relief Coordinator, I got to experience first-hand the fury of a disaster and its devastating impact on people’s lives.  I had experienced some disasters in my past, but during this trip it was more intense. I spent a lot more time traveling from site to site.  The idea for the book came to me and slowly developed on those long drives back and forth. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was unintentionally learning and doing research for my book by responding to disasters, starting with Hurricane Katrina and continuing through the many other disasters I have responded to since then. The most interesting observation that I took away from these experiences was the profound impact that each individual played in the recovery.

Nicholas- The main protangnist

Nicholas is a typical teenager in many ways.  He struggles to find his identity and his place in the world.  Just like most teenagers, Nicholas has qualities that make him extraordinary and unique, but he has to go through a long journey of self-discovery.  Nicholas is forced into circumstances that make him stand out from everyone else around him, and these circumstances will transform his life and the lives of those he loves.

Some bookie questions:

Favourite genre and why?

Young adult fiction is my favorite genre because it makes readers feel young again and takes them back to their youth, which is such an enjoyable time in life.

Favourite book series and why?

Besides Harry Potter, the Percy Jackson books and Heroes of Olympus series are my favorites. They are entertaining, quick reads with captivating male and female characters. These stories offer a little bit of everything.

Favourite author and why?

My favorite author is J.K. Rowling, times 10!  She is able to draw the reader into her stories so that they really relate to and feel the emotions of the characters.  She transports her readers into her world.  My second favorite author is Stephen King because he also is able to grab his readers and really pull them into his stories.

An author you would reccommend my readers check out?

I would recommend Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series, to your readers. He is an excellent writer and his stories will entertain everyone.

Secrets- The Hero Chronicles book one is available in softcover and ebook. Visit: for more info.

FREE dowload of Secrets - The Hero Chronicles will be available till the 13th November 2012. Visit the above website for more info!

All proceeds from the sale of Secrets, the Hero Chronicles Book 1 will go towards the ongoing work and programs of Matthew 25: Ministries, serving disaster victims and the poorest of the poor throughout the United States and around the world.  Please visit for more information on Matthew 25: Ministries.

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