Friday 22 February 2013

YA Feature: Interview with 2013 debut author, Keshia Swaim!

This week we have author Keshia Swain on Reading Away The Days. Keshia releases her debut novel Bloodbound in September 2013. Enjoy the interview and let me know what your thoughts on Bloodbound!
The Author: Keshia Swaim

 Im that small-town girl who always had her nose in a book and her head in the clouds. In college, I studied history and modern literature, because I love them, not because I thought Id ever be able to use them. J Straight out of college, I married the man of my dreams, and we currently have one son, who takes up all of my non-writing hours.


Ive always been an obsessive reader, and somewhere along the way I started making up my own story lines. In college, I did have a creative writing professor who encouraged me to seek publication, but it was just a dream for me, until my mother found a short-story contest, and wouldnt quit bugging me until I entered it.

The Book: Bloodbound About/inspiration  

Blood Bound is actually the result of that fateful writing contest. My first short story, “Family Ties,” was published in the anthology, UnCONventional. It received such a positive response from readers that Kate Kaynak, my editor, encouraged me to turn it into a full length book, and so Blood Bound was born.

How does it feel to be releasing your debut novel, Bloodbound, September 2013?

You know that childhood dream that seems a million miles away once you “grow up.” Imagine it coming true, because thats exactly what this is. Even though I always thought of it as a distant dream, Ive never seriously wanted to do anything else.

If you could encourage anyone to pick up Bloodbound when it releases in September 2013, what would you say?  

DO IT! No, seriously, I tried to pour everything I love about great books into Blood Bound. So, if youre looking for something with love, heartache, friendship, danger, and magic, you will enjoy it.

Bookie Questions:

Favourite genre and why?

YA fantasy. I love YA because the characters are always on the verge of discovery, and their personalities form right on the page. And I have a strong preference for fantasy because literally anything can happen. I (usually) live in reality, so when I pick up a book, I want to go somewhere else for a while.

Favourite YA author and why?  

Oh, goodness. That changes a lot. Currently, Im a huge fan of Kiersten Whites Paranormalcy series, because, not only does it have a unique story, but its good, clean fun, and I really respect that. I also credit Tamora Pierce for getting me hooked on YA fantasy in the first place. I could go on and on, but Id better stop here.

Debut author/ upcoming author we should check out?

Another tough one. On my publication journey, Ive gotten to know several upcoming authors who are all great. I will say that I had the pleasure of receiving an advanced copy of Kelly Hashways YA debut, Touch of Death, which released in January, and I loved every page. (Check out my 5* review of Touch of Death) I also have to mention that my mother, (Yes, the same one who encouraged me to write) Lisa Rogers, had her YA and non-fiction debuts in 2012 with Angelinas Secret (Check out my 5 * review of Angelinas Secret) and On Haunted Ground. 

Favourite 2012 read and why?

Juliet Marilliers Shadowfell. Because I felt magic literally dripping from the pages, and her plots are so unpredictable that, even though Ive developed yet another book-crush, I still have no idea what side anyone is on.

A book series you love and why?


Song of the Lioness quartet, because they introduced me to the world of YA fantasy, Lord of the Rings, because Tolkien is a master at world-building, and The Books of Bayern because I love Shannon Hales re-telling of such classic stories. Again, I could go on for quite a while with this, but I should probably stop. Thanks so much for having me!

So, what are your thoughts on BloodBound? Leave a comment below! Check out author Keshia Swaims' Blog, Facebook and twitter!





  1. I can't wait to read BloodBound! And thank you for mentioning Touch of Death, Keshia! :)

  2. Kelly, you know you're awesome. :) Thanks again for having me, Megan!
