Saturday 23 March 2013

Blog Tour: Pass or Fail by Barbara Morgenroth- Guest Post: What We Desire

Today is my stop on the Pass or Fail blog tour. Check out this great guest post from author Barbara Morgenroth. Please leave a comment below on your thoughts on What We Desire!

What We Desire
Barbara Morgenroth

What we desire can be the engine that sets us on course and keeps us going when times get tough. As with anything, it's possible to want something too much.
In Pass or Fail, all the characters want something. Evan Augustine is in a rock band. He has a love of music and wants to share that with an audience. Andy loves to perform; he wants the attention and approval of the audience. Raffaela is the new girl in school and wants to find her place.
Then we come to Mrs. Grey, the English teacher. This is a young woman with many desires. What she wants, she wants obsessively. She would call herself a witch, not in the warty variety, but a witch of the Old Religion. She knows astrology, herbalism, and spell-casting. She knows she's had past lives and what Mrs. Grey wants beyond anything else in the world is to be united with her soulmate in this lifetime. Unfortunately, that's not her husband.
Mrs. Grey, the Chalice Queen, has read the tarot cards and knows who her soulmate is. They've been together in many lifetimes and each time fate has kept them apart but this time will be different. In all the other lives, they were unaware of the truth. This time she knows what she has to do and nothing will get in her way.
Well, this is one sick puppy, isn't she? Any good witch worth her salt knows the rede An it harm none. I suspect Mrs. Grey would defend her actions by saying there was no harm because she was simply fulfilling fate.
Isn't fate beyond mortals? You don't mess with fate because fate messes back.
The metaphysician, Alice Bailey, probably would have said Mrs. Grey got caught up in her own ego. All she was doing was creating more bad karma by forcing her will on others.
By wanting too much, Mrs. Grey went from being a good witch to being a very bad witch and bad witches are dangerous, as any character in Pass or Fail would agree.
Fail. Epic Fail for Mrs. Grey for not studying her own texts more fully.
Was Mrs. Grey a real witch? That's for the reader to decide.


Desires can be so deep and so demanding, that all sense of what's right and good and appropriate is swept away in order to fulfill those needs.

What does it take to pass Mrs. Gray's English class?

Evan Augustine finds out it doesn't have anything to do with school work

but she'll make it about that to gain control. From insinuating herself into their rock band to who they see, Mrs. Gray will stop at nothing to get what she wants--her soulmate. Pass or fail has never been more of a threat in school or in life

Barbara Morgenroth Bio  

Barbara was born in New York City and but now lives somewhere else. Starting her career by writing tweens and YA books, she wound up in television writing soap operas for some years. Barbara then wrote a couple cookbooks and a nonfiction book on knitting. She returned to fiction and wrote romantic comedies.

When digital publishing became a possibility, Barbara leaped at the opportunity and has never looked back. In addition to the 15 traditionally published books she wrote, in digital format Barbara has something to appeal to almost every reader from Mature YAs like the Bad Apple series and the Flash series, to contemporary romances like Love in the Air published by Amazon/Montlake, and Unspeakably Desirable, Nothing Serious and Almost Breathing.

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