Thursday 8 May 2014

I'm back!

I'm finally back! It has been 9 months since I lasted blogged and I am so, so, so, excited to get back into it! The reasons I stopped was I just felt like it was turning into a full time job and I wasnt having much fun doing it. Also I felt I couldnt read books I really wanted to read as I felt pressure to read books by a certain date and the pressure was just too much. I was also taking on books I wouldnt read myself and telling everyone about them which was not what I intended to do when I first started this blog. This blog was to share with you guys books I love and I wasnt doing that anymore.  The break was only to be a month or two but it turned into 9 MONTHS and I cant beileve it!

So finally I am taking the plunge and starting blogging again this time setting myself some rules I intend to stick by:

1. I intend to share books I love with you guys. If I wont read the book myself am not going to share them!

2. I am not going to post loads of posts each weeks. I think I am going take up a few memes as well.

3. I am going have fun and enjoy it and not stress about anything!

There we go the 3 rules I am going to try and stick by. My wonderful sister is currently revamping my blog which should be ready soon and she is adding blog lovin' to the site as well but I am still going to keep GFC. 

Thank you the awesome bloggers/readers who have stuck by me and are still following my blog. I hope to bring you some great posts in the future and show you some amazing books I love!


  1. Absolutely thrilled to see you back! :)
    -Stephen Z

  2. Woohoo!!! yay yyou're back!!

    P.S. I am quite wonderful I know :-P

  3. happy to have you back i hope you will keep enjoying reading and blogging thanks to your new rules
