Thursday 1 January 2015

2015 Reading Goals

Happy New Year! It's that time of year when everyone makes goals for the upcoming year and making book goals is know different to making goals to be healthy or to exercise more. To tell you the truth, I usually reach my book goals and not my personal goals. So here is my 2015 reading goals: 

Read More Contemporary books

I most read PNR, it is my favourite genre but I want to step out of my comfort zone in regards to genres and to do that I am attempting to read more contemporary books. Contemporary is a genre I tend to stay clear of as most of the storylines are too close to real life and I prefer my books steeped in vampires, ghosts, werewolves and other supernatural creatures that are far from reality and life. I am hoping to read a contemporary book a month or more depending on my mood.

Read some NA ( New Adult) books

I usually stick to reading YA books and some adult books but mostly YA. In 2015 I want to try some NA books. I have saw so many great NA books but just haven't got round to reading any. Again I am going to try and read one a month or more depending on my mood.


Classics are books that I think most readers want to say they have read. But to me it's feels like I am back in school and I just can't bring MySelf to read them. But I am going to try. I want to read Les Miserables/ The Railway Children/ Little Women. I am not putting a number or time limit on this goal I just want to try and read at least three this year.

Goodreads challenge

Each year I have read at least 20 more books than the previous year and this year I want to aim high. So I am challenging MySelf to read 100 books. Now this may seem a little amount for a book blogger but I am a slow reader, so if I manage to read 100 books I will be super happy!

Popsugar challenge

I am undertaking Popsugar's 2015 reading challenge it sounds like a lot of fun. You can find more about it here in a post I did.

I will be updating you monthly on the blog on how I am doing with my reading goals.

What are your reading goals in 2015? Let me know below, if you have a post on your blog with your goals send me the link! 


  1. Oh, I am also doing the Popsugar challenge! I hope we both manage to complete it as well :D I have set myself a goal of 100 books this year already, and with 7 books down so far I think I can do it! I like the idea of reading more classics - seeing as I have only read 2 of the complete Jane Austen collection I have, this is something I would like to do as well.
