Monday 26 January 2015

I heart Kelly Hashway Video

This is the last of my I heart Kelly Hashway posts. If you missed the previous posts check them out below:

I heart Kelly Hashway & Giveaway (Giveaway is still happening)

I heart Kelly Hashway Interview

I heart ... author Kelly Hashway answers your questions!

This last post is a video that Kelly has done for just you guys. Enjoy!


  1. Great video! It's very neat to hear about your process, and I think your ability to fast draft (so fast) should be considered a super power, lol! And yay for Megan being so awesome. =)

    1. Lol Fast Draft Girl, it has a certain ring to it. ;) Not sure what my super hero suit would look like though.

  2. I have a belief that most people are good.... even though it doesn't always seem that way
