Tuesday 3 February 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #1

Top Ten Tuesday is an original/weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish . This is my first time taking part and I am super excited. 

This weeks topic: Top Ten Books I Can't Believe I Haven't/Want To Read From PNR Genre

I am a massive PNR lover and have read a lot of PNR books but there's some I still can't believe I haven't picked up yet. Here are my top 10:

Leave me your top 10 list this week and I will check them out!


  1. You've got some seriously creepy covers this week! Anna Dressed in Blood is on my TBR. I'm hoping maybe in October! I've heard great things about Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Julie Kagawa's books. Great list!

    1. I know I didn't realise the covers where creepy until I had the post up LOL. Anna Dressed in blood is definitely a Halloween read I think.

  2. Ooh, I've read a few of these! Obviously, Shadow & Bone and Daughter of Smoke and Bone are incredible. Seriously. Go read them now. And I read Hush, Hush years ago, back when it first came out, and liked it. But I wasn't a fan of the sequel.

    1. I have heard they are amazing everyone always recommends them :)

  3. Well that's so cool I got to read your review of Invaded too, which I'm dying to read and I'm so glad you liked it!!

    Now you simply MUST MUST MUST read Daughter of Smoke and Bone. After that, read the Iron King. Then read Shadow and Bone. These are three favorites of mine!!! Several of the others are good too but in my opinion those three are the best! I'm actually re-reading the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series right now!

    My list is here: http://margoberendsen.blogspot.com/2015/02/top-ten-books-i-cant-believe-i-havent.html

    1. Everyone says they are amazing. Typically for reading my review. I loved Invaded :)

  4. I enjoyed "Anna Dressed in Blood", but haven't read the second in the series yet. Out of all of these books you've listed I've only read that one!!!

    So many books to read! Eeee!

  5. I haven't read any of these books, but they look interesting! - Maggie @ macarons & paperbacks

  6. I need to read a couple of these books so bad!!! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday if you wanna check it out :) http://bookbabble.weebly.com/blog/top-ten-tuesday1

  7. I've actually read most of these and you have an awesome list! The only one I didn't like was Hush Hush but I tend to have trouble with angel books.

  8. You probably don't want to hear this, but I've read all of these! Anna Dressed in Blood, Angelfall, Iron King, and Shadow and Bone are some of my favorite books! I hope you get to these books eventually!

  9. You must read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and the Covenant series!!! Seriously! And after that you can read Shadow and Bone and Anna Dressed in Blood. Lots of people love the Vampire Academy and Iron King books but I couldn't really get into either of them. I'm a black sheep on those. But I do hope you get to read these books soon and I hope you love them!

  10. I haven't read ANY of these books, and nearly all of them are on my TBR as well because they seem like awesome reads to me. I especially want to read Anna Dressed in Blood - it's one of the oldest ones on my TBR.
