Thursday 23 April 2015

#Review The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Book: The 5th Wave
Author: Rick Yancey
Series: The 5th Wave (#1)
Pages: 455
Publisher: Penguin
Received paperback for review a long time ago :(


I am doing this review a little definitely. I am going to do my thoughts/feelings while reading it. This book is told in various points of views, it is easy to navigate though as the book is divided into sections when a point of view changes

This is my thoughts while reading The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

"Holy shit. These Aliens are smart. The first wave, what? The second wave, I want to live in the desert. The third wave, I would be dead by now :( The fourth wave, holy crap on steroids, what the hell is the fifth wave going to be. Shit is getting serious. Cassie what the hell is going on."

"Wonderland?? Alien tech, I'm getting worried. Zombie!! Your him. What?"

"Wow what is happening? The Silencer! CASSIE!!

"OMG, Evan. I need an Evan. "You saved me." Evan can save me any day. :)

"No Sammy, he's a baby."

"Zombie is kick ass. He is transforming before my eyes."

"Shit got real. I don't know who or what to believe."

"OMG! Holy crap!! These Aliens or sick and crazy but smart. This is the weirdest invasion ever."

"I knew it! But I don't care. OMG my heart can't take this."

"Shit is hitting the fan big style."

"Oh my heart. Cassie :("

"OMG please don't kill each other you idiots."

"Oh no, this last chapter. No, no , no, OMG I now know why this book is being made into a movie."

This book has action, crazy shit, Aliens, the cutest romance, characters you will love, characters you will hate, characters you will be so confused about.  You will feel the emotions and go on the journey with Cassie and CO. I highly recommend this to everyone!!


  1. The parts with Sammy really hurt my heart. Maybe because my (then newborn, now one year old) is named Sam, and we call him Sammy, but I could NOT deal with it. Like, my emotions were rebelling! I am glad I read your review, I need a brush up before I read The Infinite Sea! Have you read it yet?

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. I went though so much emotion. Yes I have I loved it more than The 5th Wave. My review will be up this week.

  2. I loved the way you did this review! The book put me through the wringer too and I really enjoyed it. I have to admit I didn't flat out love it though and haven't moved on with the series yet.

    1. I thought I would switch up my review style every so often. It was fun writing it this way. The second book is so much better.

  3. Ha..I loved this review, you made me giggle and relive it as well. I enjoyed this one Megan and I am glad to see you did too.

    1. Thanks Kim. I enjoyed writing the review this way :)

  4. So gad you loved this one! I loved it too!! Your'e review is really fun!
