Tuesday 21 April 2015

Top Ten Favourite Authors of ALL time

Top Ten Tuesday is an original/weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish.
This weeks Topic: Top Ten Favourite Authors of ALL time 

So a lot of people will find this hard to narrow it down to just 10 Authors. I had the opposite of trying to come up with 10. The reason being I don't have a lot of favourite authors. I am the type of person who just has a lot of favourite books from various authors and only a few authors who I would call my absolute favourite.

The first two are my favourite authors kinda of all time and space and universe, who wrote two of my favourite book series of all time.

1) Charlaine Harris

Ms Harris has been my favourite author for the last 4 or 5 years. I absolutely love her writing and aim to read everything she wrote/writes. She wrote one of my favourite book series of all time, the Sookie Stackhouse books and I am so grateful to her for having introduced Sookie and Co to my life. I highly recommend you check out the first book in the series Dead Until Dark if you haven't already. For you who don't know (where have you been *stares*) this is an adult PNR with vampires, Eric,werewolves, Eric, fairies, ERIC *signs* Note: the book  series is way better than the TV show, I don't like the TV show.

2) Deborah Harkness

Now Ms Harris has been my favourite author for years but Deborah Harkness is taking over that position. I didn't think a book series could ever take over my love for the number one spot of Sookie Stackhouse, but this woman has done it in writing, the All Souls Trilogy!!! This is the most amazing series EVER. It's an adult PNR (historical), ( you can see a theme of books I love PNR anyone) I can't get enough of this authors writing. I need more!. It's not just that it's a PNR and has amazing characters but because MS Harkness's writing is phenomenal. I could read this series over and over!! I highly, highly recommend you check out this series starting with, The Discovery of Witches above. Check Out My Discussion on the All Souls Trilogy

3) J.K Rowling

I think you have to have J.K Rowling in your list of all time favourite authors. If your asking what books she wrote, *go bang your head against a wall* Harry Potter defined a book generation. It's just a literary piece of art. I would love J.K Rowling to write more YA, please do Ms Rowling!

4) L.A Weatherly

L.A Weatherly writes another of my favourite series, the Angel series. This is an author's work I will continue to check out. 

5) Kelly Hashway

Ms Hashway writes great books and I have come to love her as person. She is great at interacting with us who love her books and I really appreciate that. Check out my Touch Of Death Series talk

6) Stephanie Meyer

Stephanie Meyer is an author, like J.K Rowling that kinda needed to be on the list. Stephanie's books aren't literary masterpieces like J.K.Rowling's books but I fricking love her stories. I really would love more books from Stephanie.

7) Cassandra Clare

This is author I recently fell in love with. I loved the Mortal Instruments series, however not the Infernal devices but I am excited for more books from this author. Check out my post on my journey with the Mortal Instruments series

8) Ednah Walters

I discovered this author when I first started blogging and I fell in love with her Guardian Legacy series, I haven't checked out any more of her work but Ms Walters is definitely in my list of authors I really rate.

9) Stephanie Perkins

I fell in love with this author last year. I read the Anna and the French Kiss Trilogy and I loved it. I am super excited for more books from this author.

10) Cecilia Ahern

This is an Irish author who I love. I loved P.S. I love you and especially Where Rainbows end. This author is a fantastic adult contemporary writer. I just love her work.

Who are your favourite authors?


  1. I love Charlaine Harris! I actually haven't tried the Sookie Stackhouse books but I loved her Aurora Teagarden books. They're more standard mystery but they were really great reads. I'm seeing lots of Stephanie Perkins today which is reminding me of how much I want to read her books! Great list!

  2. I'm so honored to make your top ten, Megan! Thank you so much! I'm really glad we've connected online. You are incredibly supportive and just an all-around sweetheart. The world needs more people like you in it. :)

  3. I love J.K Rowling and I enjoy Charlaine Harris, especially the earlier Sookie books. :)

    Check out my TTT.

  4. I've only read one book by Stephanie Perkins, but I want to read the others soon! They are so sweet and very fun reads.

  5. Great list! I have been enjoying the Deborah Harkness series as well.

  6. I've been meaning to read the Mortal Instruments series. It's on my way too long TBR list.

  7. Great list! I love Charlaine Harris and Deborah Harkness.

  8. I've read about half of these, two of them were already on my TBR and now I've added one more in Deborah Harkness. Obviously, you and I have some similar tastes in books! Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

  9. Wonderful choices! I love your list :)

  10. I discovered Cassandra Clare late last year and love the Mortal Instruments! I still haven't read the last book because I read that you should read the Infernal Devices before reading City of Heavenly Fire, and despite owning it, I haven't done that yet. Great list!

  11. A couple of those up there I haven't read and will have to check out. I still cannot believe I forgot about JK Rowling. I mean she changed the YA scene and everything.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

  12. I heart Stephanie Perkins! Great list!
    New follower :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  13. Great list! I totally agree with you in J.K.Rowling and Cassandra Clare. And even though I never read anything by Cecelia Ahern, I'm planning to do it since the movie is awesome! :)
