Saturday 30 May 2015

Taylor Swift Tag - The 1989 Tag

This tag was created by booktuber SJ at The Book life. Check out Video here

Shake it Off - 'The haters gonna hate hate hate' - Which book criticisms do you shake off regardless of what people think?

50 Shades Of Grey. I love this series. I don't care what people say you either love this or hate it and I love it. Sorry guys :)

I know places - 'Loose lips sink ships all the damn time' - Which ship do you set your heart on, only to watch it sink?

This is an old one but I really wanted Jacob and Bella to get together in Twilight. I know her and Edward are meant to be but at the time I was so against it and wanted Jacob and Bella to get it on.

Wonderland - 'We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it' - Which fictional character would you like to take with you to another land?

I would put Gideon from the Cross fire Series into the 50 Shades universe. Can you image the Christian and Gideon together they would end up killing each other and it would be entertaining to watch.

Wildest Dreams - 'He’s so bad but he does it so well' - Which character do you love, not in spite of his darkness but because of his darkness? (Can change this to 'her' if needed!)

Sebastian AKA Jonathan from The Mortal Instruments. He does such horrible things but I frickin love him.

Out of The Woods - 'When you started crying baby I did too' -Name a time you cried with a fictional character

I cried so hard with Violet in All The Bright Places by Jsnnogre Niven. My heart broke so much. I was am emotional wreck after 'reading it.

Blank Space - 'Lets be friends, I’m dying to see how this one ends' -Which final book in a trilogy or series were you most nervous about reading?

The last Sookie Stackhouse book. OMG I was so nervous I didn't want to read it. I did read it and was OK with the end.

I tag:

Jess & Val @ Stuck In Books

Candace @ Candace's Book Blog

Donna @ Book Passion For Life

Kerry Ann @ A Bookish Read Head

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of this tag so much, so I love that you did it! I was team Edward and Bella all the way, but I can understand why you wanted them to be together! Oh, and I love Sebastian from the Mortal Instruments series as well ^.^
