Tuesday 5 May 2015

Ten Books I Will Probably Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original/weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish.

This weeks Topic: Ten Books I Will Probably Never Read

These are books I most likely will never read that are on my Goodreads, some are books people absolutely love but I just don't think I will get to them, sorry guys. A lot have them been on my TRL for years. 

I am sorry but I am never going to read these I read like a couple of chapters of the Hunger games and just didn't like them.

I know a lot of these books are loved by every one. If there's some you really think I should give a chance leave me which in a comment below.


  1. It's okay. Just because other people adore them doesn't mean we will.

    Here's mine!

  2. I actually liked the first Hunger Games book but have zero desire to continue with the series. I completely agree with the others! I definitely don't see me picking up The Fault in Our Stars anytime soon.

  3. I held off reading Divergent for ages and ended up loving the first book when I did read it. I wasn't as fussed on the rest of the trilogy, but the first book was fab. I agree with a few of these - Starcrossed, The Knife of Never Letting Go and The Iron King though. Books can't ever be for everyone!
    My TTT

  4. You don't have to feel bad about what you dislike, I personally like the Hunger Games but they're not for everyone. I've read TFIOS and trust me, you're not missing anything by not reading it. Divergent is okay, nothing to get too excited over though. Delirium was on my list too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/top-ten-tuesday-3/

  5. Nice list of books!! Here's my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/05/top-ten-tuesday-ten-books-i-will.html

  6. So much Fault in Our Stars, it's on mine too, I think I'm more surprised over the number of people who haven't read it then I am towards it being on so many list.

  7. The Fault in Our Stars made my list as well. I am a big fan of Starcrossed.

    A nice list - Sharon – Obsession with Books
