Thursday 20 August 2015

Get to know me!

I thought I would do a different post from my usual reviews, interviews and giveaways. I thought I would do a getting to know me post. You all know I love books but what else do you need to know about me. Well here's some things you should know about me.

The basics

I am 26 years old and hating getting older.
I live in Northern Ireland which is part of the UK. I am not Irish. Many people who live outside the UK get Ireland and Northern Ireland mixed up. Both places are on the same island but Ireland is its own country whereas Northern Ireland makes up the UK along with Scotland, Wales and England. 
I have a younger brother and sister. My brother is 3 years younger than me and my sister is 5 years younger than me.
In real life my job is working as a Child Development Assistant with kids aged 1-4 and its a job I love.

Things I love apart from books

Owls, I collection anything owl related however I only like to collect cartoon versions of owls.
I am addicted to Arrow and am in love with Stephan Amell.
I love peanut butter related chocolate and sweets.
I am addicted to YouTube and Twitter.

Top places I want to visit 
(In order from the top place)

New Orleans (and all the rest of the southern states)-- I want to visit so bad!!
Salt Lake City

So that's a little about me. If there's anything else you would like to know leave me a comment below. 

QUESTION: Where is one place in the world you want to visit?


  1. Owls are so beautiful, there are real ones outside my home every night, I hear them a lot these days. I watched the first 2 seasons of Arrow and like Felicity more than Oliver, lol ! But I admire his good looks ^^ If you ever come to Paris one day, let me know, I work there 5 days a week ;) It's nice to know some more about you - and in colours !

    1. I love all woodland creatures. I really love Felicity I can't help loving Oliver AKA Stephen Amell LOL Oh amazing!! :)

  2. I have always wanted to go to Greece! Though with all the mayhem probably not anytime soon!

    1. Greece is meant to be beautiful but I agree maybe now isn't the right time :)

  3. I collect owls too and definitely lean more towards the quirky types. I've done enough genealogy research to know a little about Ireland (my family is from Co. Meath) and Northern Ireland's history and I did wonder if people of Northern Ireland considered themselves Irish because the culture sounded so different.
    If you do visit New Orleans and the rest of the south I highly recommend coming in October when it's still pretty but the heat has dropped a bit.
    Great post and it's wonderful getting to know you a little better! Chocolate and peanut butter treats are some of my favorites as well. I may have to make a batch of brownies with peanut butter fudge frosting now that you've got me thinking about it!

    1. The quirky types are best. Some people do consider themselves Irish but it depends who you speak to LOL Oh thats good advice me and heat don't go well together LOL

  4. I'm glad you explained the Northern Ireland thing. I always forget that since I'm so removed over here in Arizona. Have to agree with you liking owls and peanut butter with chocolate. :) Some good places on your list too. I have some of those on mine as well. Have a fabulous weekend!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Peanut butter chocolate is the best :)

  5. I really want to see the Grand Canyon during sunset or sunrise one day, it is just epic and beautiful!

    Thanks for letting us get to know you!

  6. What? Yu don't want to visit California? Well fine! lol. I'd love to visit Ireland AND Northern Ireland. ;)

  7. I would love to visit England. And then eventually the rest of the UK, and parts of Europe. I'm planning to study abroad there next year

  8. I did early childhood education 2-4 year olds for 10 years before my daughter started Kindergarten and I left the field. It is a tough but rewarding job! The one place in the world I want to visit is Italy! I want to do a tour of the country, but if I had to pick one place in Italy it would be Cinque Terre!
