Tuesday 25 August 2015

Top Ten Books That Would Be On my Syllabus If I Taught PNR 101

Top Ten Tuesday is an original/weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish.

Top Ten Books That Would Be On my Syllabus If I Taught PNR 101 

Paranormal romance is a subgenre of both romantic fiction and speculative fiction. Paranormal romance focuses on romantic love and includes elements beyond the range of scientific explanation, blending together themes from the speculative fiction genres of fantasyscience fiction, and horrorSource

First up for term one would be Twilight, a staple of any YA PNR syllabus, it is the book that many have quoted as the book that got them into the PNR genre. The writing isn't fantastic but the story is one that draws people in. The second book would be another vampire book, Vampire Academy, this time written a lot better than Twilight but still with action and romance that will draw the reader in.

To continue the theme of Vampire's (don't worry I have non vampire books ahead) we have Glass Houses, this is another kick ass vampire book. We then have Shade a ghost story with romance galore and a hot Scottish guy! *swoon*

We have had vampires and ghosts so why not some Angels. Angel by L.A. Weatherly has a original, unique mythology and a hot romance to boot. Seriously I love this series.  We then have Beautiful Dead which is a fantastic story about a girl who she's ghosts who have unfinished business. One ghost being her recently read boyfriend. It is incredible it's a series I forgot I had read and loved.

Touch of Death adds a little mythology to the mix and Awakened adds some more mythology and angels.

The two books aren't YA but they have to get mentioned in a post of PNR reads. These are my two favourite series of all time. I always talk about them and they are the Sookie Stackhouse Series and the All Souls Trilogy. Guys you need to get on these books!!

Have you read any of these books? Would you add any to my list? Leave me a comment below


  1. Since I don't read a lot of PNR, most of these are new to me. I love your topic though - I'm always happy to find new recommendations for books that I don't know much about. Great picks! :)

  2. I've read half of them. Had Discovery of Witches checked out before but got sidetracked on other books. Great unique post!

  3. This is a subject I"m not super familiar with so taking a class would be so much fun! I like Charlaine Harris and would like to read Vampire Academy and Deborah Harkness especially. Being able to discuss it sounds much more fun than just reading it on my own.

  4. I'm honored Touch of Death made your list. :)

  5. Twilight was my very first paranormal romance and I absolutely loved the whole series when I read it as it was all so new to me. I think I might have a lot of issues now if I read it again but it has been a great intro in the whole genre for me. A Discover of Witches is on my TBR and I hope to get to it sometime :)
