Tuesday 18 August 2015

U.S. Virtual Road Trip- Wisconsin

Today we are in Wisconsin with blogger Zoey @ Uncreatively Zoey. Let's see what awaits us in Wisconsin.

Places to visit in Wisconsin

My #1 place to visit in Wisconsin is the Milwaukee Zoo. It's not exactly cheap, but it's an AWESOME place and they participate in some of the conservation breeding programs. One of the first things you see when you walk in the main entrance is the penguins! They're always so excited. If you're lucky, you can even spot the wolves in their area! They definitely tend to hide. There are SO MANY AWESOME PRIMATES and there's a lot of cool stuff going on in the aviary - and I have yet to get pooped on! Thank God. 

Another place to visit? Summerfest. Which is basically the world's largest music festival. There are tons of awesome free bands, too - this year, Bastille is one of them! Last year, Imagine Dragons was there. You have to get to the stage SUPER early though, otherwise you're going to end up like we did - squished between thousands of drunk people way at the back where you actually can't hear anything. It took us 15 minutes to shove our way out, no joke. But the grounds are right near the lake, so you can sit on a bunch of rocks by the water and shop all day long!
And, of course, there's State Street in Madison, full of plenty of places to shop. I don't personally find it that exciting, but it seems to be a highlight for a lot of people!

Places to eat in Wisconsin

Okay, look. I honestly don't know anything that's exclusive to Wisconsin. But you can guarantee that they'll have cheese curds and beer on the menu. My favorite places to eat? Noodles and Co. Their Wisconsin Mac & Cheese is HEAVEN. And then, of course, there's the Cheesecake Factory. My mouth is basically watering just thinking about it.

Quirky things about Wisconsin 

Quirky things about Wisconsin? Um. Well. We grow cherries! There's one place near Lake Michigan where the climate is mild enough for them. We have a lot of cows. Milwaukee, WI is home to Harley Davidson! Not that I care. And Green Bay (home to the Packers, which, again, I don't really care about, but apparently they are a Big Deal) is THE TOILET PAPER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. 

Famous people from Wisconsin

HARRY HOUDINI, AW YEAH. Frank Lloyd Wright! Mark Ruffalo was born here, I guess. Also, Jeffrey Dahmer. Whoops.

Authors and books based in Wisconsin

Lori M. Lee, author of Gates of Thread and Stone lives in Wisconsin! And so does Liza Weimer, author of Hello? Aaaand of course there's Ilsa J. Bick! Who wrote ALL THE THINGS. She has quite a few books set in Wisconsin! Catherine Murdock's Dairy Queen series takes place here, as well. And so does Anne Greenwood Brown's Lies Beneath series with mermaids who live in Lake Superior! Creeeeeepy.
And that's all I've got! Personally, I'm doing everything I can to get out of Wisconsin, but..you know. You be you. 

Connect with Zoey: Blog / @zoeytalbon

Have you been to Wisconsin? Is it a place you would like to visit? Leave me a comment below.


  1. I love Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture, and who could resist a visit to the toilet paper capital of the world! lol

  2. I love Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture!!!
    dánh ph?m | danh phom
