Friday 16 October 2015

#Review Emmy and Oliver by Robin Benway

Book: Emmy and Oliver
Author: Robin Benway
Pages: 340
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Bought Paperback
Rating: ✪✪✪✪

What's it about?

Emmy and Oliver is told from the perspective of 17 year old Emmy who's best friend Oliver was kidnapped when they where both five. Because of the kidnapping it left a hole and a turbulent of emotions in the ones who knew him and the whole community as a whole. 12 years later, Oliver is back and Emmy has to deal with the return of her best friend.

Before reading Emmy and Oliver

Emmy and Oliver was a book I had my eye on from the beginning of the year and when reviews started coming in and everyone seemed to be enjoying it I was even more pumped to read it.

After reading Emmy and Oliver

I did really enjoy it, it just didn't have the punch I was expecting. However it did still keep me engaged with its unique and unseen storyline in YA and the story was told though a great protagonist in our lead Emmy.

As I said the storyline is a unique YA read dealing with the fall out of a kidnapping and the return of the kidnappe years later through the perspective of the ones who where left with the fall out, namely Emmy, Oliver's childhood friend. Now Emmy had a great voice, she was funny and she was a unique individual unlike a lot of female characters in YA who all have similar traits. The relationship between Emmy and her two best friends, Caroline and Drew and her relationship with Oliver was great to read. Robin Benway seems to be a wizard at writing unique individual's and I praise her for this.

Seeing Oliver and Emmy 're- establish there friendship was so sweet and it gave me feels. By now your thinking what is the problem I had with the book, what punch didn't I get to maker me love this book. Well the problem was it just didn't go to the next level, it was sweet and emotional but I just wanted more Oliver and his feelings on the kidnapping. Basically I want the author to write a book from Oliver's POV. In all honestly I think this book would have been much better with alternate POV chapters switching between Emmy and Oliver. 

Overall I did enjoy it. It has a unique story line in YA, a funny relatable character with a coming of age feel.

Have you read Emmy and Oliver? Thoughts?


  1. I totally think switching POVs would've been interesting too. xD I did so love it though! I cracked up SO MUCH at all the witty dialogue, and despite Emmy's parents being really stupidly strict...they were still super sweet. So I enjoyed that they weren't made into nefarious villains or anything. AND OMG THE SURFING!! Basically I adored this book, although, yes, it didn't have the ultimate punch I hoped it would.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

  2. I've heard so much about this book! Thanks for the review. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. :)

  3. This would have been good with both POV's. Glad you enjoyed it, and I like the premise :)

  4. I haven't read it yet but it's on my wishlist. Glad you enjoyed it even if the punch was missing for you.

  5. I totally agree that switching POVs would have made this even better! I loved it a LOT, but yes, that could have taken it to a whole other level! I am glad you did enjoy it though, even if it wasn't as much as you'd hoped. Lovely review!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
