Tuesday 13 October 2015

Top Ten author duos you would love see write a book together

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the bookish

Topic: Top Ten five author duos you would love see write a book together.

This is a great topic and not one I have ever thought much about, but am going to give it a try. I am going to go with 5 awesome teams duos.

Team one

The first pair that came to mind are my two favourite authors, Deborah Harkness and Charlaine Harris. If these ladies ever wrote a book together, I would literally fight a gladiator, a dementor and a vampire to get ny hands on a copy. I think they would have to do a paranormal novel using Deborah's historical knowledge to make it epic.

Team two

Michael W Buckley and Rick Yancey. I don't read many male authors but I read both these authors books this year and they write EPIC reads. Together a book by them would be of the charts. 

Team three

I am going to pick two contemporary authors I like, one YA and one adult. They are Stephanie Perkins and Cecilia Ahern. They both write amazing contemporary and I would love to see Cecilia Ahern try her hand at YA contemporary and with Stephanie's input it would be awesome 

Team four

Richelle Mead and Rachel Caine. I just think these ladies could write the most epic vampire book in existence and I would be first in line for it.

Team five

I want to pair two totally different authors together to see what they could come up with. So I am going to go for E.L James and J.K. Rowling. It feels like sacrilege putting theses authors in the same sentence but hell I would love to see what they came up with.

(Some people are taking offensive to team 5. I wouldn't want this to happen but I just wanted to put two authors together who where totally two polar opposites and not even on the same writing scale. I like both authors separately. As I said above it feels like sacrilege putting them in the same sentence but...it would never happen so you all don't need to worry :)

What duos would you love to see?


  1. Team five... Just... I can't.... My mind can't even put them in the same space...

    My TTT http://wp.me/p3ftwe-KB

  2. Interesting list though Team 5 doesn't feel right to me. I would love to see what they could come up with. I love the idea of a Charlaine Harris/Deborah Harkness book. There's no telling what those two could come up with!.

  3. Deborah Harkness and Charlaine Harris YESSSSS that would be one amazing-crazy-epic book!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog ;)
    Doris @ OABR

  4. Stephanie Perkins and Cecilia Ahern could be interesting writing duo.
    I follow you via Bloglovin'.
    My TTT: https://silvybooksaremylife.wordpress.com/2015/10/13/top-ten-tuesday-4/

  5. Maybe E.L. James and Stephenie Meyer since 50 Shades was originally Twilight fan-fiction (if you can imagine). Anastasia was modeled after Bella.

    Michelle :)

  6. Hahaha I love your pairs but especially Team 5!
    It seems different, but they could come up with something out of this world and HOTTT!

    My TTT

  7. Oh man, I need Mead and Caine right now!

    My TTT

  8. Team 4 would write an amazing vampire book and I can never read enough vampire books. (btw: not sarcasm, I love vampire books, lol)

    My TTT

  9. Hi! Wow you really have been controversial with Team 5! It would be... interesting at least. I have a feeling J K Rowling would end up hitting E L James though. My worst fear would be an S&M version of Harry Potter... Hogwarts may have a dungeon but that sort of thing is not acceptable with children around! tehe.

    Stephanie Perkins and Cecilia Ahern would be lovely though!

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune.co.uk

  10. E.L. James and Rowling would make for an interesting duo! i paired Rowling with Martin, but i think either of our choices would make for a GREAT series from these authors! awesome TTT post this week! i'm so glad i found your blog! i don't know any bloggers outside of the U.S. so i'm glad we met!
    Emily @ Wholly-Books.com

  11. Not sure about 5 but I haven't tried James. Some of these are fantastic pairings! I would Maas and Brown to get together.

  12. Team 5? I .... mean.. what? NO! You cannot pair E.L James with JK Rowling! E.L James writing is amazing.. J.K Rowling.. I can't get into her books! :-/ I love your Stephanie Perkins and Cecelia Ahern team up! It'd be awesome! :D
