Sunday 24 April 2016

It's time for a book tag... Readers Confession Book Tag!!

I love a tag. A confessional tag is even better,this is an old tag but a good one. This tag was created by Bookables.

1) Have you damaged your own book?

Yes I have and it was a terrible day. It started of as an amazing day, it was a rare day in Northern Ireland we had a lot of snow and I took my new copy of City Of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare with me to work to read on the bus. The copy I has was massive and heavy so I put it in a cloth book bag to protect it. Said book bag didn't Protect it. I sat the book in the bag on the floor of the wet and mushy floor of the bus *it was snowing you remember and the bus was currently packed so I couldn't read.* Yea so.. the book bag got wet the book got  wet and the cover peeled of the spine and the book fell apart. **rest in peace**

2.Have you ever damaged a borrowed book?

I have done something worse than that. I have actually lost a library book. **Oops** I did actually find it but years later when I was moving house.

3. How long does it take you to read a book?

I'm quite a slow reader. If I am really into the book and loving it I would say two days but if it's dragging or is jus a massive book anywhere from 3-5 days.

4. Books I haven't finished?

I don't tend to DNF a lot of books. A few that I haven't finished have been mostly middle grade ones. I thought I could read any books for young or old but I struggle with middle grade. 

5. Hype/ popular books you don't like?

*please don't this rotten tomatoes at me* I don't  like The Hunger Games or Divergent.

6.Classics you didn't enjoy?

I don't read many classics the one I read for School that I didn't like was Macbeth and I think it's because it was a school book.

7.Books you bought to look smart?

I wouldn't say it was to look smart but maybe so I looked like I didn't just read YA. I brought Game Of Thrones and several classics that have just sat there. I also have brought books everyone was talking about just because I didn't want to feel left out even though I was probably never going to read them. *I'm looking at you John Green Books.*

8.Books you haven't given back?

From above that one library book. And I actually have a few books belonging to a friend that I 're found a while ago and are still sitting in my cupboard to return.

Leave me some of your bookish confessions in the comments below.

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