Monday 28 November 2016

Winter is coming... I mean a change is coming!!

A change is coming, writing this makes me want to say Winter Is Coming ;) We have just over a month until a new year and that's the time where resolutions are made and {often broken}. Where a lot of people try to commit to change. And this is what I want to do with my blog. If you haven't already noticed my blog design has changed and I love it!!! So that is a start to the change.

If you look at posts on my blog from the last year they have been sporadic to say the least. I would get little spouts of "yea, I want to blog," but it never lasted long. And the posts I did do I just didn't think my heart was in them. I just.. lost the fun with blogging. It has started to feel more like a job over the last year and that's not why I started blogging back in 2011. When I started feeling like this I knew I had to take a step back and just read for the fun of it and not worry about putting reviews and blog posts up.

One of the outcomes of not blogging is that my taste in books has started to change over the last year. And I think this is because, because I haven't been posting I didn't feel like I had to stick to just reading YA which I have been for years. I have finally discovered after so many years of loving books to give different genres a chance and pick up a book {or genre} I would have never picked up before. {More on a post coming this month on my new discovery of various genres}

This leads me on to one of my new favourite genre's and that is erotica romance. A few months back I put a post up talking about how I felt uncomfortable to post reviews of erotica romance books I had read because I had labelled myself a YA blog. And I felt any time anyone talks about a "a 50 shades type of book" they where bashed. Yes I know if you post online you are basically open to people saying whatever they want but I just couldn't be bothered with it. 

The conclusion I have come to is I am a 28 year old woman, I can read what I want, I should be able to have my opinion on WHATEVER book I want. My blog is called Reading Away The Days because I like to read my days away, does it really matter what book genre it is.

I know one of the major reasons for me not posting about my love of adult books, erotica in nature or shock horror books with sex in them is on me, it's my own confidence to put myself out there and possibly be critiqued and criticized but hasn't that what I have been doing posting reviews for 5 years.

So what does all my ranting and rambling mean. I want to feel comfortable talking about books I am reading and loving not caring about the genre. I also want to put up posts on another of my new loves, baking. I have a lot of fun discussion posts and my thoughts on different aspects on reading that I want to share. I also want to write about places I love where I live, quirky book shops and yummy bakeries. 

Don't get me wrong the change to the blog isn't going to be shoved in your face and probably won't feel as different as I am dramatically making it seem. I still do love YA and always will and of course I will still be reading it. But 80% {not scientific} of the books I have read this year are adult books and I just want a chance to talk about books I have been enjoying, new authors I have discovered that aren't in the YA genre. 

I hope you will come along on this journey with me. 


  1. Woohoo! I want to fist pump you! I am excited for the changes you have coming (and not just because I get to taste all your baking) but because I believe you are finally doing what you want and that will make you fall back in love with blogging again. I agree it became more like a job the last year instead of hobby. You have inspired me and I cannot wait for further inspiration. :) xx

    1. Yay so excited for you to be back blogging as well :)

  2. Aww good for you! You should absolutely be posting what you enjoy! It makes it SO much more fun, and really, isn't that the point at the end of the day? People will still read your blog- I find that even when someone's blog changes directions, I still go there, because I enjoy the PERSON, you know? Plus, maybe people will find something new themselves! I am happy for you, and glad you're back!

    1. I totally agree :) I am so happy to back posting about the things I love even if it's not YA :)

  3. Good for you...this is your space and you should talk about what you want to. No need to stick with just one gae range or genre. I love to read almost anything and my blog is a big mash up. I know they say that is bad for "branding" but who cares...I'm not a business and not making money off this so! Phsssh!

    I'm not so much into erotica myself but I'll be keeping an eye out for your baking posts!

    1. I agree my blog is for fun to talk about what I love doesnt matter the genre :) So excited to start my baking posts :)
