Tuesday 20 December 2016

Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree

Top Ten Tuesday is an original/weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish.

This weeks topic is: Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi is on my list as its a book I have wanted to read for so long. Also this cover is so pretty it needs to be on my bookshelf. Shadow Of Night by Deborah Harkness is on my list as I am currently collecting this trilogy in paperback and hardback in UK and US editions. This is the US hardcover and its so pretty!!!

A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J Mass is on my list as I really want to read a Sarah J Mass book and ACOTAR is one I want to read as I own a signed copy of ACOMAF and it just makes sense. I love Harry Potter but I still need to see the new Fantastic Beasts movie as well as own the original screenplay. This book is so pretty.

I have read and own all the Vampire Academy books however my original copy of Vampire Academy the first book in the series doesn't match my set and it is really bugging me, so to have the matching book cover would be great. I read and fell in love with Tiffany Reisz's books this year but still haven't had a chance to read one of her 2016 releases, The Bourbon Thief.

I own and have read Fifty Shades of Grey many times but like Vampire Academy the first book doesn't match my set. My copy of Fifty Shades Of Grey is the move tie in edition, I really want the original cover to match my set. This year I read my first Emery Lord book and adored it, it ended up being my favorite YA book of the year. I really want to read the rest of her published books and The Start Of Me And You is one I really want to read.

I read and loved The Winners Curse a couple of years back and loved it but haven't finished the trilogy yet. I own the second book so it would be great to get the third so I can finish the trilogy. Finally All The Bright Places is one of my favorite books of all time but for some reason I don't own a finished copy I need to redeem this very soon!

What books are you wishing for under your Christmas Tree?


  1. Shatter Me is also on my TBR and I've been seeing it more and mroe recently.

    ACOTAR - SJ Maas is my favourite author right now! I hope you love it!

    And the Winners series is also on my TBR.

    I can totally understand you needing to have the correct cover sets for your bookshelf and I hope you get some of the books you're wishing for this Christmas!

  2. I really need to read a Sarah J Maas book too, I don't know why I keep delaying! Everybody seems to love her. I hated Shatter Me! But I was very much in the minority on that.

    The blog looks great Megan and I hope you get some of the books on your list.

  3. Great list! I love seeing great covers! I hope you get everything from your wish list ! Merry Christmas!

  4. I still need to read All the Bright Places, but I would love a copy of that! I'd also really love the Fantastic Beasts screenplay. :)


  5. AtBP is amazing!! I am lucky to have a personalized copy of that one. The Start of You and Me is one I need to read still. Lovely list and hope you get some of these!

  6. Cool! So many fun books. I adore Emery's 'You and Me,' and own the Winner's trilogy. Though I've yet to read it. Sarah is an author I've not read, but with all the hype her novels create, I am super curious. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

  7. All of these sound like fantastic reads, especially the Court of Thorns and Roses!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  8. I also really want a copy of Fantastic Beasts - mainly because it's really too pretty! I'm not even sure I'd read it. I'd probably just hold and admire it!
