Sunday 19 February 2017

Sunday Post #38

The Sunday post was created by Caffeinated Book Reviewer this is a post where we recap on the going on's on the blog the week previous and the week coming up as well as the awesome books we have received, bought or been gifted for review!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have been having a kinda reading slump the last few weeks and usually when I am in a slump it impacts my blogging but I have managed to still keep my blog going. The slump is semi over. I got this idea for a book and it has kinda been in my head and not letting me read any books. I would never call myself a writer, I have always been a reader but I think I might give this idea a go for a while and see what happens. Here is what has been happening on my blog since my last Sunday Post:

Coming this week:

Blog Tour: Red by SM West (Excerpt & Review)
Struggles of a possible writer
Unpopular Opinions Tag
The Haunting of Tinley Hall Book Blitz
Fifty Shades Darker Movie Review
February Wrap Up

Some bookish news and things I have been loving:

The movie trailer for Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon released. Me and this book had a few problems when I originally read an ebook of Everything Everything I gave it 3 stars and then when I read a paperback I put my rating up to 4 stars. You can check out my review here

I enjoyed the trailer and it looks good however I think it tells you the whole story in just the trailer :(

Jodi Ellen Malpas one of my fave authors, released the cover of her next book just yesterday, check it out. I am excited for this one! Check out the blurb

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I have been continuing my re watch of Vampire Diaries. I am currently just starting Season Four. Are you watching anything good? Music wise I actually haven't been listening to much new music however I am liking Linkin Parks new song. It is very different from their usual sound but I like it.

How has your week been? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I haven’t read Everything Everything before. But it’s been on my TBR. I really want to read the book before I’ll see this movie.
    I’ve been watching The Good Wife on Netflix. I hadn’t seen it before and am currently on Season two. I love it so far. Definitely a great series.
    Have a great week and happy reading. I hope your writing goes well! ;)

  2. I hope things with your book writing go well! That's exciting! I've never tried to write anything, but my husband always says I should give it a shot. lol! Maybe one day!

    Glad to hear that your reading slump is over. That's always frustrating. I get in those after reading a couple not so books in a row.

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. I haven't read Everything Everything yet though I want to so I won't watch the trailer just yet!

    Last week just seemed to be a tough week in general for a lot of readers and this year has been so busy for me I've barely got any reading and blogging done! Hopefully I'll find a balance soon. :)

    Hope you have a better week!

  4. I love when I get story ideas that just won't leave until I write them. It does cut into my reading and blogging time but sometimes I just need to create something. Those slumps are no fun, though. I seem to have been in one for months now. I'm still reading and blogging but not as much as I use to.
    I hope you can get back into the swing of things! :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

  5. I heard Linkin Park had something new out. I don't think I've heard it yet. I will have to give it a listen in a bit!

  6. Glad to hear your slump is semi-over and having a book idea that you can't get out of your head is a pretty awesome reason for a slump! I'm curious about the Everything Everything movie. I listened to the audio and 3 starred it but I suspect the problem was that it was more not my kind of book than a problem with the book itself. I am curious to see how it plays out in movie world. Have a great week!

  7. I've been eyeing Everything Everything...interesting how your experience with the paperback format was more satisfactory. I do have some challenges, still, reading on my Kindle...I have to take really good notes, as I don't like trying to find things after the fact, when writing the review.

    Enjoy your week...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. I really enjoyed reading The Vampire Diaries but for some reason, every time I try to watch the shows, I can't get into them. I do plan to try again though as I have them on Netflix. Good to hear you are getting your reading mojo back!

    My Sunday Post

  9. I watched the Everything, Everything trailer the other day and I agree, I feel like they gave the whole plot away. Totally bummed me out! I still want to see it, the book is one of my favorite YA novels, but still. Bummed. Lauren - Obsessive Book Nerd

  10. I enjoyed Everything, Everything. Go you with the story in your head. I am happy you are going to explore it.

  11. Hope the slump is over! And Everything, Everything looks kinda good.

    Your struggles of a writer post sounds interesting. As someone who likes to play around with writing occasionally I'd like to read it and see what you think. :)

  12. If you have an idea for a book that won't get out of your head, I definitely think you should go for it! I'd not heard this Linkin Park song. It is different from their usual, but I like it!

  13. I've never heard of the book Everything Everything Megan, but keep seeing the previews and it looks intriguing.

    And if you have an idea I'd go with it. I love writing but coming up with ideas is my issue.

  14. Oooooh! If you have a good story idea, definitely don't pass it up!

    I wasn't a big fan of Everything, Everything, but I'm still going to see the movie! It looks beautiful.

  15. I'm glad you're reading slump is coming to an end. I've been in a slump as well but things are looking up :)

  16. I am glad your reading slump seems to be at an end. I definitely think you should write down your ideas if you can. It may come to nothing or it may turn into something. At least you'll get it out on paper just in case. :-)

    I would like to read Everything, Everything. The trailer does look good. I was thinking of possibly re-watching Vampire Diaries. I'm not sure where I left off exactly. I know I am not caught up. I think I stopped watching the year before the first season of The Originals aired.

    I hope you have a great week! So far it's gotten off to a good start. Hopefully it stays that way. :-)
