Sunday 5 March 2017

Sunday Post #39

The Sunday post was created by Caffeinated Book Reviewer this is a post where we recap on the going on's on the blog the week previous and the week coming up as well as the awesome books we have received, bought or been gifted for review!

I hope everyone has had a lovely week. Since my last Sunday Post a few weeks back my sister asked me to be her bridesmaid and I am so excited to go on this journey with her. I seem to be inundated with weddings with now my sister, brother and dad getting married. It seems 2017 is the year of wedding in my life. Here is the posts you may have missed since my last Sunday Post.

Coming this week:

This week I am calling it the week of review. I have reviews of the following coming this week:

Roman's Having Sex Again by Nikki Ashton
The Iron King by Julie Kawaga
Hope (less) by Melissa Haag
Double Review: The Roommate & Egomaniac
Optimists Die First by Susin Nielsen

A quick Sunday Post today, I hope you have a fantastic week.


  1. Confession: I have never been to a wedding. Not one. It makes sense though because I have zero friends my age and my brother isn't married. So, I guess that I've never had an opportunity to go to one. Have a good week, and happy reading! :)

  2. Hi Megan.. you have a great list of books that mostly I haven't read. The Wright Brother series sounds great. Cant wait to read your reviews next week. Have a great week. :-D

  3. I just had a look at your post on Book Covers and it was very nice! Also "earmarked" the Unpopular Book Tag - thanks for sharing.

    Hope you will have a good week and here's link to my latest post:

  4. It has been years since I even attended a wedding...and now I'm the Mother of the Bride at an April 1st wedding. I had to laugh at the date when she told me. (It is her second wedding, but will be festive anyway).

    I found two possible outfits yesterday, and then settled on the second one, which would have been my daughter's first choice.

    Enjoy your bridesmaid duties...

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week.

  5. Yay! Congrats on your sister getting married and you becoming her bridesmaid!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  6. Oh yay, congrats on your sister's wedding! Being a bridesmaid can be so fun! I hope you enjoyed The Iron King! I've been so interested in that one. Have a great week :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  7. Ooo, I'm looking forward to your review of Egomaniac. I really wanted to read that book. Back 2012, my sister-in-law got married and I was her maid of honor. Then in 2013, I was a bridesmaid in my BFF's wedding and then my husband was the best man in his BFF's wedding (and EEK, they used to date and then having their weddings within a couple of months of each other.) We had to travel for both, luckily we only had one kid at the time (who was the flower girl in two of the weddings), but OMG, that 18 months of weddings were sooooo expensive. Took us a year or two to pay down the credit card...but totally worth it. I love weddings. ANYWAYS...have a wonderful week! Lauren - Obsessive Book Nerd

  8. It does sound like you're going to be busy with weddings this year lol. But hey, there are worse things to be busy with! Have a great week :-)

  9. I've only ever been in one wedding. Sounds like you have a whole bunch to attend. How fun!

    My Sunday Post

  10. I've been a bridesmaid twice, and it was so much fun! Enjoy this year of weddings!!

  11. Ooow Weddings. Since I got engaged it seems everybody everywhere is in one way or another busy with weddings. I love it! How awesome that your going to be your sisters bridesmaid. I hope you'll have a great time.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  12. Wow you do have a lot of weddings happening. And book reviews coming too! Hope it's a great week. I love that title Optimists Die First. :)

  13. YAY! a bridesmaid! I haven't gone to a wedding for a very long time and I LOVE wedding. I'm glad you had so many wedding and I hope you enjoy your sister's very much
