Sunday 20 August 2017

Sunday Post #45 - Busy, Busy!

The Sunday post was created by Caffeinated Book Reviewer this is a post where we recap on the going on's on the blog the week previous and the week coming up as well as the awesome books we have received, bought or been gifted for review!

Hello everyone I hope you are all well. The weather is changing here in the UK, it is feeling like summer one minute then fall the next. I can't wait for fall, it's my favourite time of year.

I have three more days of work to go then I have 11 days off! My plans are to spend time with my friends and family. I am also going to be trying to read as much as I can as I have to read 14 books in the next month for reviews on my blog and am such a slow reader. Am trying to finish putting my outfit together for my dad's wedding and have to go sign up for a course starting in September. So busy, busy. I have also scheduled my blog diary with posts until the beginning of November, I just need to write them up and schedule them! I have also been colouring in a lot and I have been loving it, so I will be doing more of that.  So what has been happening on my blog the last two weeks.

I hope you all have a great week. Happy Reading!


  1. 14 books! That's looooaaaaads. I don't think I've ever made it in a month! I've only done 13 that I can remember. So good luck :) and yeah! Fall is great. I love it too.

  2. Enjoy your time off. Slightly jealous of your reading stats.

  3. Fall is my favorite season too. There's the leaves, nice weather, and pumpkin flavored stuff. My second favorite season is spring. I am a moderate and I don't like those extreme season (winter and summer). Good luck getting through your stack of books. I will cheer for you - you can do it!

  4. I love fall the best, too, although ours here is very short. It stays warm until October or so...then a bit of fall, followed by winter...which is pretty mild, so not much to complain about.

    I have visions of an East Coast fall...I visited there once during October and fell in love with their season.

    Enjoy your books and your vacation. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Hope you have a wonderful break! I also really enjoy fall, although I always dread winter which is right around the corner. Hope you get some reading/relaxing/coloring done. Happy reading!


  6. Good luck reading those books! I'm sure you'll make it - hopefully they're good books, too.
    Enjoy your upcoming vacation and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  7. Wow you better get reading girl! 14 books to read in 11 days is a lot! I could use 11 days off lol! My next 12 weeks are going to be so busy and packed I'll probably want to murder someone. Here's to having 2 very busy lives! Happy reading!

    Crystal Book Snob

  8. Enjoy the time off, and good luck on your reading 14 books for the month. :) Have a wonderful week.

    Happy readin',
    Jenea's Book Obsession

  9. oh 11 days off!!! That sounds heavenly! I have to go back to work this week (teacher). Good luck getting all your books read! I'm sure you can do it!

  10. Wow you have been busy. And I love fall too, even though I'm going to miss summer I am looking forward to fall. Hope your time off is awesome and all your books are good. :)

  11. Your weeks ahead and vacation sound busy indeed!I hope you get to read but also find time to just chill!
