Sunday 17 April 2011

I have had a REVELATION!!

I had to make this post as I have had a bit of, how can I put this a REVELATION! Usually each year I read a lot of books and enjoy them but usually only one or two really stick with me as my favourite reads, the sort of books I read so fast and fall in love with the characters and couldn't put it down sort of books, which as I said only usually happens to me a few times a year. Anyway, we are only FOUR months into 2011 and already I have LOVED so many books. And I have come to one reason why, a connection between the books. Are you ready for it:

Yes, love! Most of the books I read have so far this year have had two amazing characters fall in love, and I love going on the journey's with the character's. I loved:

*Sarah & John ( I am number 4 by Pittacus Lore)
* Phoniex & Darina ( Beautiful Dead series byEden Maguire)
* Matthew & Diana ( A discovery of witches by Deborah Harkness)
* Lil & Bran ( Awakened by Ednah Walters)

I just thought I would share my little revelation with you all. Do you like following characters journey's when they are falling in love with another character?

Megan :)

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