Sunday 17 April 2011

Review: A Discovery Of Witches

One word for A Discovery of Witches......... AMAZING!!!! I loved this book so much! Historian Diana is a witch who doesn't want to use her powers and acts just like a human, trying to ignore the other creatures around her. She hasn't wanted anything to do with magic after the violent death of her parents when she was a child but it turns out she can't escape who she really is. A powerful witch! Diana discoveries a magical Alchemical manuscript when doing research in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. In Deborah Harkness' world there is witches, vampires and daemons who blend in with human society. I found it interesting that the daemons in A discovery of Witches are not your typical daemons, scaly and monstrous. They are born from human parents, they are described as " ..creative, artistic creatures who walk the tightrope between madness and genius. "Rock stars and serial killers " was how Diana's aunt described these strange, perplexing beings.

Once Diana has discovered the manuscript all the creatures want it for there own reasons. They are also want to know how Diana was able to "call the book from the stacks" as many had tried for hundreds of years without success. Diana is in danger! Step in Matthew Clairmont the sexy, enigmatic geneticist, oh I forgot an important point, he's a vampire! He has interest in the manuscript for his own reason's but he also wants to help and protect Diana from not just the other vampires and daemons but her own kind as well.

I really don't want to say too much about what happens throughout the book as its great to discover all the twists and turns of the story yourself, but WOW it is amazing. But one thing I will say is Matthew and Diana do start to fall in love with each other, and A discovery of witches is an amazing journey that they go on to figure out the mystery of Diana and the manuscript and their fight for the right to love each other. I cant wait for the next book!

Rating: 5/5 butterflies!

Megan :)


  1. I still really want to read this one! It has been sat on my wish list since it was first released.

    I just need more funds and more time to get to all the books that I want to read :)

    Jules x

  2. I read it last week and LOVED it!! Matthew is just dreamy..did you friend Diana and Matthew on Facebook yet?

  3. It is a must read Jules. I know it hard to get funds together to read all the books you want to.

    I know Sarah I love Matthew. Oh do is there a Diana and Matthew facebook?

  4. This looks like a really great book. I haven't read many witch books, but I'm sure I'd enjoy it!

  5. I liked this book, but I was expecting a little more fromt the author. I guess I expected a different twist-but a witch book is always good.

  6. I have been following about this book and my interest is definitely peaked. I found your site over at Pure Imagination and have signed up to follow. Look forward to reading more of what you have to say.

  7. This looks like a wonderful book! Magic in the Bodleian, what could be better? I love to read stories set in Oxford and I hadn't found a good fantasy one set there until now. :)

  8. If I had powers I think I couldn't resist using them! lol It sounds like a fantastic book!

  9. i like how you did i have been critized about the review are two much info and ilike the one you did
