Tuesday 24 May 2011

Author Interview & Giveaway: Michelle Leighton


Hey Michelle, thanks so much for taking the time out to do this interview with me. First of how did you get into writing, have you always wanted to be a writer, who inspired/inspires you to write etc?  

Actually, it's kind of funny.  I had just finished reading the Twilight series (I was a late Twihard bloomer) and I was so bummed that all my new "friends" were gone that I decided I was going to create some of my own, friends with freaky abilities and scary personality flaws, but lovable just the same.  I wrote that first book (as yet unpublished) in 14 obsessively driven days.  Once I sat down to begin the tale, the characters and their lives came to life.  THAT was what I found most addictive about writing.  And I'm still addicted.  It's as much an adventure for me, an unveiling, as it is to my readers.

To date you have written 4 books. The Reaping, Caterpillar, Wiccan and Blood Like Poison.  

*Could you tell me a bit about The Reaping your YA Paranormal Romance.

The Reaping is the story of a girl who's life is nothing like what she thought it was.  In fact, she, herself, is nothing like what she thought.  This book is the first in the series and introduces you to Carson Porter as she once was and hints at the Carson Porter that she will soon become as she discovers things about her life, her destiny and her powers.

*The Reaping is the first novel in The Fahllen Series. How is the writing coming along for the sequel?

I have yet to begin the sequel, though I have it slated for work beginning in June of this year.  I think it's going to be extremely interesting, especially since so much of the groundwork was laid in the first book.

*Caterpillar another of your novels is an adult book. Could you tell us a little about Caterpillar?

It is the story of a woman, Cat Deen, who begins to discover bodies at the houses that she's selling, bodies that are linked to a diabolical killer of a supernatural origin.  Throw into the mix a vampire with a demonic history, an angelic back story and a curse that promises Cat will live nine different lives and you have the beginnings of the Nine Lives series.
Caterpillar (Nine Lives, Book 1)

*Which do you prefer to write Adult or YA and why?

I prefer YA for the voice. I love that time in life.  It's much more casual and easy-breezy.  Plus, the expectations are different. I think there's less pressure to include certain elements.

*Wiccan your YA Paranormal book, is one of your books I really like the sound of and would love to read. Can you tell us a little about it.

It is my foray into more of a murder-mystery kind of book.  It's still YA and it has a paranormal element that becomes more pronounced as the story goes on and Mercy, the main character and girl who sees murders, matures, and so does her blood.

*Blood like Poison is your latest book. Can you tell us a little about it?

It is an epic romance about Bo, a vampire who, in the course of seeking revenge for the death of his father, meets and falls in love with a girl he can't get out of his head.  Ridley's taken with Bo as well, but she doesn't realize that he has a death wish that could take him from her in the very near future.#
Blood Like Poison: For the Love of a Vampire
All your books are all Paranormal. Is this a genre you think you will continue writing in or would you like to branch out into a different genre?

Something paranormal seems to creep up in every book that I write, no matter how it begins, so I think I will be writing paranormals for some time to come.

Paranormal books are very "in" at the minute. We all love to read a good book with a vampire, werewolf ,witch etc in it. What do you think is it that draws the readers into these sort of books.

I think that paranormal story lines are so far out of the ordinary from the things we see in our day-to-day lives that they provide a particularly inviting and effective escape for many of us.

Do you like reading Paranormal books yourself, if so what is some of your favourites?

Yes.  YES!  Of course, I loved the Twilight series.  I also enjoyed the Vampire Academy series, Sookie Stackhouse novels, and The Breed novels from Lara Adrian.

Do you have any advise for upcoming/aspiring authors?
Don't quit writing!  No matter how discouraging it sometimes seems, never EVER give it up.  You can't fail until you quit.

Thanks to Michelle for taking the time to do this interview. You can check out Michelle's blog where you can read more about all her books and links to where you can buy them: http://mleightonbooks.blogspot.com/

Michelle has kindly offered a Ebook copy of Blood Like Poison, her lastest novel.

To Enter:
* You must be a follower of my blog (Leave follower name)
* You must comment on this interview

Extra Entries:
*Follow Michelle on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/mleightonbooks +1 (Leave Twitter name)
*Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/TeamWolf1988 +1 (Leave Twitter name)
*Tweet about the giveaway @Teamwolf1988 +2 (Leave link)
*Comment on any of my reviews or author interviews +3 (Tell me which interview or review you commented on)

*Giveaway is sponsered by author Michelle Leighton
*I will choose the winner and pass on the person's email address to Michelle for her to send the winner the ebook
*Giveaway closes on 7/6/11


  1. Great giveaway!

    Blog follower: littlepinkstars44
    and I follow both of you on twitter: @littlepinkstars

  2. Wow, your books sound awesome! Love the premise and the characters. Great interview ladies =)Looking forward to reading your works.


  3. Great interview. Your book sounds great. I too love writing YA - much more accepting of bizarre premises than adult.

  4. Excellent interview ladies! I'm a huge fan and follow you both on Twitter!!

    Tamara Mousner

  5. The cover to the Reaping is awesome, very creepy!

    +2 Twitter follower of you & Michelle @arick01
    +2 Tweeted it - http://twitter.com/#!/arick01/status/73535831167602688

    Total= 4

  6. Never read Leighton before, but looks like reading I would enjoy!

    GFC: heykiddego
    Twitter: @heykiddego (follow both)

    heykiddego (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. GFC Follower: Christie
    +1 Following Michelle on Twitter (Chrissie123123)
    +1 Following you on Twitter (Chrissie123123)
    +2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Chrissie123123/status/74524080090525696

    swaggirl01 at gmail dot com

  8. Hi!! I follow you here: Melissa Sanchez Dempsey
    +1 Follow you on twitter: MelissaDempsey1
    +1 and Michelle on twitter: MelissaDempsey1
    +2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/MelissaDempsey1/status/74870124489867264

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  9. All of these books sound fantastic, especially Wiccan and Blood Like Poison.

    Nice interview!
    (I'm following you)

  10. these sound GREAT! and I love the interview! nicely done!
    I want to read her books now ♥♥♥

  11. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I'm a GFC follower.

    Miss Lauren

  12. GFC Krystal Larson edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom This looks like a great book and I know I like the author. twitter follower of you and sponsor: Icecream1891 tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/Icecream1891

  13. What a wonderful interview. I loved that you covered so many of the author's books. I would love to win a copy of this book and The Reaping is definitely on my wishlist. I do have a copy of Caterpillar in my to read pile and and guess that will be next after I finish my current read! Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

    I hopped over to your review on The Discovery of Witches, as that is another book I am interested in reading and left a comment there.
    GFC follower - Denise Zaky
