Sunday 22 May 2011

In My Mailbox (#3)

 In my mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren were everyone puts up the books they have bought, revieved or got from the library!

This week I recieved quite a few E-Books for review. I recieved:

*Replay by Keria Lea
*Dream Smashers by Angela Davis
*Violet Midnight by Allie Burke
*The Understorey by Fisher Amelie

This week I tried to resist the urge to buy any book, I managed to do this last week but this week I did buy one book, but it is a book I have wanted to read for a while. I bought Die For Me by Amy Plum! I'm really excited to start this book.

I also borrowed a book of my friend called Holly's Inbox by Holly Denham. I have read this book before and I loved it, I recently won the second book via British Babes facebook page, so I borrowed the first book to refresh my mind.

What did you get in your mailbox?

*If you have time please check out my recent interviews with some amazing new YA authors!*


  1. Here is my IMM this week

    :D Happy Reading

  2. Interesting books. Still waiting on my copy of Die For Me to come as well. That looks so good.
    New Follower.

  3. Die for Me is great, hope you enjoy it!

  4. Hey Megan! Nice blog ^^
    I didn't know about that book "die for me" by amy plom ~ maybe it wasn't released over here in Brazil yet. But i looked up about it and I really liked of the history and the cover *-*

    see ya


  5. Hi, I hope you enjoy reading all those books you have :> I'm sooo like you, I try to resist the urge to buy new books! LOL
