Saturday 21 May 2011

Author Interview: Jenna Kay

Hey Jenna, thanks so much for taking time out to do this interview. Can you tell us what your debut novel Clarity is about?

Yes. It's about a seventeen year old girl living the normal teenage life, but normality flies out the window when she meets Sam and finds out she's a Seer (Biblical Seer, not fortune teller). She tries to turn away from her Seer gifts but finds it hard to do, especially since demons find out what she is and try to take her out. Basically, this first book in the Seer Society Series is an introduction. The reader follows Clarity and friends though all types of struggle, including real life teen issues. My goal is to get the reader thinking on the unseen war going on, the spiritual battle that is not only being fought around us, but the fight inside us as well.

Where did the idea for Clarity come from?

After writing it three different times and changing all the charcaters names and setting, it just sort of came- it just fit!

The cover of Clarity is beautiful. Did you have any input into the cover? Who designed it?

Thanks you, but my husband Rocky deserves all the credit on the cover. The cover is actual a scene from the book (Thanksgiving Dance) and the girl is my beautiful niece, Hannah. My husband took pictures... did whatever it was he did to make it come together. I'm really bad when it comes to designing stuff.

How does it feel to have your novel out there for the whole world to critique?

At first it was a little nerve racking, because I know there is going to be alot of haters out there. I know there's people that will point out ever little mistake and try to bring me down, but I take comfort in the fact that God is with me and am doing what He wants me to be doing. Actually, I'm glad it's already out there, and I'm working hard on the second book as we speak!

Do you have any advise for new or aspiring authors?

Just to not give up. Surround yourself with positive people and just do what you feel is right. It's your story, no one elses.

What sort of books do you like reading yourself?

Love any thing YA, paranormal, fiction, romance, horror.

Who are some of your favourite authors?

The list is huge but I will name a few: Bree Despain, Lauren Kate, Becca Fitzpatrick, Stephanie Meyer, Maggie Stiefvater, Cassandra Clare... really, the list goes on!

What was your favourite book as a child/teenager?

As a teenager I loved anything by R.L.Stine.

Is there any books that you are looking forward to reading that are released this year?

Um, lots!

Fianlly is there any new projects you are working on at the minute?

Yes, I'm almost finished with the first draft of Broken, the second book in the Seer Society Series. The reader will learn more about the Seer Society and learn a whole lot more on Clarity's life and family. I plan to have it published sometime in the fall. I'm really really really excited about it!!!!

Clarity is now available in ebook and paperback though Amazon, books-a-million, and Barnes & Noble websites and also on Smashwords.

You can follow Jenna on twitter and facebook:

Clarity Facebook page

Jenna is also on Goodreads & Shelfari!

You can also check out Jenna's blog and website:


  1. Clarity sounds like something I would love to read. Great interview!
    -Patrick (iRandomblogger)

  2. I love the cover. It's so pretty and it sounds like a great book. I haven't read about seers in awhile.

  3. I've never read about seers, looks like an amazing topic. Actually, I'm going to buy it as soon as I have money.

    Good interview!
