I am honoured to have author Louise Gornall on Reading Away The Days today. Louise's debut novel Under Rose Tainted Skies released earlier this month is a fantastic book that tackles mental illness.
A quote from my review;
"Louise Gornall's Under Rose Tainted Skies, is a stunning book that portrays mental health in a realistic way while being stunningly beautiful in its portrayal. A book that makes you think and feel."
Check out the rest of my review here
Today Louise has a a guest post for you and that is Norahs playlist. Over to Louise.
Hey guys! I’m so excited to be here, and beyond excited that I’ve been given the opportunity to share Norah’s playlist with you.
A few more she might have on her list? Hhmmm. Well, she’s definitely a T-swift fan. I think Wildest Dreams would be a favourite. And Wings by Birdy. She’d have some rock in there too, classic rock, Bowie’s, Life on Mars, and Queen’s, Bohemian Rhapsody. Then some serious throw-yourself-around stuff like, Linkin Park’s, In The End, and Mad Marge and the Stonecutters, Dial ‘Z’ for Zombie. Religiously, she’d listen to Adele's version of Feel My Love, Alice Gold’s, A Wondrous Place, and A Fine Frenzy’s, You Picked Me.
I thought I was finished and then I realised there was no Ed Sheeran on the list! WHAT?! Oh, the horror! Norah loves Ed, trust me, I know these things. So: Lego House, Little Bird, A-Team, Give Me Love, Don’t, Thinking out Loud… this list is limitless. Did I mention Norah loves Ed?
Thanks so much Lousie. Check out Under Rose Tainted Skies available now.
Synopsis VIA Goodreads:
Norah has agoraphobia and OCD. When groceries are left on the porch, she can’t step out to get them. Struggling to snag the bags with a stick, she meets Luke. He’s sweet and funny, and he just caught her fishing for groceries. Because of course he did.
Norah can’t leave the house, but can she let someone in? As their friendship grows deeper, Norah realizes Luke deserves a normal girl. One who can lie on the front lawn and look up at the stars. One who isn’t so screwed up.