Writing has just always been part of who I am. An extension of me I never paid much attention to until I became a stay at home mom. Then I desperately needed a distraction from diapers, formula and middle of the night feedings. What started as a distraction has now become my full time job as a writer and the owner of Anchor Group Publishing.
Can you tell us a little about the first book in the Gryphon Series #1) , The Conduit?

Where did you get the idea for the series?
It started with a dream. There's a scene at the end of the book where a hand shoots up out of an orchestra pit as Celeste Garrett is creeping towards it. The dream was so realistic I formed the entire story around it.
Your series is YA parnormal/fantasy. Is this the genre you prefer to write in. Is there any other genres you would like to explore?
I enjoy fantasy, but I also have a nonfiction book I hope to release next year. It's called "I'm Not Crazy, I'm on Lupron; One Woman's Journey Through Infertility." It chronicles my own experiences on my quest to motherhood and I'm hoping it will provide hope to others out there that are going through the same type of painful journey I did.
The second book in the series Embrace released in May. How many more books do you plan for the series?
The second book in the series Embrace released in May. How many more books do you plan for the series?
Sacrifice, the third book in the series, will be out this fall and there will be one more after that. But I'm toying with the idea of doing a few shorts or novellas about some of the other characters as well.
Why should we read you series in one sentence?
Why should we read you series in one sentence?
BECAUSE IT'S FUNNY! There are so many dark tales of angst in the YA genre right now, and those are great too. But I want to make readers laugh! To quote the Joker, "Why so serious?"
Find me at www.staceyrourke.com
Twitter @rourkewrites
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