The Sunday Post was created by Caffeniated Book Reviewer this is a post where we recap on the going on's on the blog the week previous and the week coming up as well as the awesome books we have received, bought or been gifted for review!
This week has been great.....
This week has been a great week. Firstly I read 4 books. Guys I never read 4 books in a week. I am such a slow reader but they where great books so I think that's why I read them so fast. Your thinking what where those great books I read.
First of I read the last 50 Shades book it was a 're read and I love this series if you didn't already know. Then I read Thing's My Heart Knows by Jessi Kirby, this was my most anticipated book of the year and my first Jessi Kirby book. And I really enjoyed. I then picked up My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga. I wasn't sure when I started reading if I was going to be really immersed in the story but after the first few chapters I couldn't stop reading it. It was really good. Finally I read The Echanted Rose by Nadia Nader for a blog tour. I read this book in a few hours it was quick and a good read, my review will be up this week as part of the tour. So it's been an awesome reading week. I hope I can keep this reading pace up. However am currently 're reading a series again, which I seem to do every few books so I may be stuck with these books for a week :/ but I can't complain as again I love the series am 're reading. I definitely have a 're reading obsession.
On the blog...
This week I had a couple of guest posts which I haven't had in a while. The first was a Behind the scenes of Angels of Moirai by Nicole Salmond, this is a YA book with angels and it sounds good. You can check out more about it here and also enter to win an ebook of Angels of Moirai.
On Friday author Sarah Noffke talked about being a late YA bloomer. It shows you are never too old to fall in love with YA. Sarah also kindly offered a giveaway I
of her YA Book Awoken, you can enter to win a copy here
You can check out all the other posts from this week by clicking on the side bar.
In other news...
As you may have noticed over my last few Sunday Posts I was freaking out over Arrow. I am obsessed with the TV show and this week was the season finale and it was just perfect. #Olicity I have never hearted and cheered on a couple so much. I can't wait for season four. Also the trailer for Legends of Tomorrow on the CW dropped and it looks so so good. 2016 seems so far away. I love D.C. and Marvel, I tend to lean more toward D.C. but I just love super heroes.
Now for some new music I discovered:
I love music as well as books, obviously not as much as books but it's something I get obsessed with if I love a song or a band. For the last few Sunday's I have been telling you about songs I love on my Sunday Post. I am going to keep doing this every week. So my question to you is do you want me to keep putting it in this post or a separate post?
I love this song. The video is pretty strange but the song is awesome.
I never thought I would like this. But I love it. It's a catchy song.
Photograph by Ed Sheeran, enough said really. His voice is incredible, this video made me smile and this song is just going to become another classic.
Kinda can't stop listening to this.
To the books...
*FREE ebooks*
Unsolicited VIA Chicken House, middle grade fantasy releasing June 2015 *paperback*
Yay so I haven't seen the TV show but I kinda want to pick up the book am not sure when I will get to it but hell, why not add it to my book shelf. *paperback*
So this is my favourite book series ever. And I have a paperback of the first book, and hardback of the second and third. So I want to have a paperback and hardback set. Yesterday I bought the paperback of the last book. So all I need now is a paperback of Shadow of night and hardback of A discovery of witches. Yay am obsessed with this series *paperback*
*Love my new vase*
Reading Away The Days is affiliated with Book Depository please consider using my link to purchase books all profits will be put back into the blog. Click here
How was your week? What books did you get?
My favourite thing about The Sunday Post is that it is a miscellany of things from that bloggers week So yes I think you should continue to post your music here, I love finding new music and I'm sure others do too. I love Ed Sheeran too!
ReplyDeleteI must read The Book of Life sometime, for some reason I just haven't gotten round to it yet.
And yes that vase is fab!
Four books- wow! Good for you. I think you should post your music if you want to, I also think the Sunday Post is a good place to share that. I have not seen Arrow but it looks like agood show. :)
ReplyDeleteFour books is good. I post the DC Legends of Tomorrow Trailer as well this week. I see that you got a couple of amazing books this week. Enjoy your new books.
ReplyDeleteGrace @ Books of Love
Yeah..reading 4 books is awesome. I just remembered I need to start the Nebraska thing for you. I will begin this week. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Megan,
ReplyDeleteGame of Thrones is a little hard to get into at first, but it's definitely worth it. The first time around I actually put the book down, picked it up again a year later and was hooked when I got further in. My advice would be to stick with it until at least half way.
I've officially added The Book of Life to my to-read list! Sounds great :D
Have a great week,
Amy x
That's what's so fun about the Sunday Post. We all share everything, not just books. Your new vase is lovely. It looks elegant alongside your books.
ReplyDeleteAnd you sure have a great selection of books in lots of genres. That's another thing fun about this meme. I discover books and authors I might have missed:)
My Sunday Post - http://fuonlyknew.com/2015/05/17/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-109-and-the-sunday-post/
I love weeks that I can get around to 4 books! That's what I'm hoping for this summer again. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my Sunday Post
Yay for having a good reading week! I love those weeks where it feels like you've flow through the books.
ReplyDeleteI've only made it to the last episode of the first season of Arrow. Slowly getting through the season. But you make it sound like it's something I've been wanting to happen so I'll have to watch the episodes faster!
Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books