January Wrap Up

In real life

January felt like such a crazy month. It felt like I had been back at work forever after the holidays when in reality it's only been four weeks. January is also a stressful month for me anyway in work as I work in Childcare and once a year we get our annual inspection from social services (CPS if your in America) I always feel like am being judged even though I know am doing my job right, thankfully it wasn't too bad, the social worker told me not to get so worked up that am doing a fantastic job with the kids which is all I can ask for. I can now breathe in work till next year.

Blogging life

As you can tell from looking at my blog I only had a few posts up which is so disappointing. I just seem to have lost my blogging feels I really don't know what it is. I am slowly starting to get it back and I have so many ideas for posts but it's just getting them up. This month I plan to get more blog posts up and power through this slump.

Reading month

My reading month was fantastic. For me anyway. I read a total of 10 books which is so good for me. I am a super slow reader so I am excited by all the books I read. My kindle was my friend this month. I read so many books on it. I have discovered I read really fast on my kindle compared to physical books.  Note: all the books I read where mostly adult /erotica/ contemporary which is weird for me. I can definitely feel myself drifting from YA I need a good YA book to hook me back in to the genre and it just hasn't been happening.

Innocence Taken was a kindle freebie early January. It's a erotica romance novella. Beyond Control is the first book in the beyond love series it's new adult contemporary romance. I got it as a kindle freebie. Both books I gave 3 stars to.

This trilogy was a 're Read for me. I read it all last year and loved it. This is one of those series that if you love fifty shades or Sylvia Day's books your going to love this. Last year I gave it 4 stars the whole series but I think am going to up my rating to 4.5 stars.

Unbound is the first book in the colours of love series. It's another erotica romance but this one failed for me. It's a translated to English book I don't think it translated well I didn't really care for the characters or the writing. I gave it 2.5 stars.

A Night to forget  is the first book in a dulogy. This book wasn't very good. I am a sucker for insta love but this book just took the biscuit. The writing wasn't very good it just felt stale and the characters felt two dimensional. I feel that this book could have so much potential with more details and editing but it just didn't satisfy me. I do kinda want to read the second book to see what happens and if it makes a little more sense but I don't want to pay the price for it! I gave it 2 stars.

Night After Night is the first book in the seductive night series. I thought it was a great start to the series and I enjoyed getting to know the characters. I gave it 3 stars.

I read Everything Everything last year and had so many mixed feelings about it. I read a ebook version and just felt that the story didn't come across very well.  So when I won a paperback in a giveaway I decided to give it another chance and am glad I did. My rating when from a 3 star to a 4 star.

Hard pressed is the second book in the hacker series. I liked this book better than the first one and gave it 3 stars.

How was your month? Read any good books I should check out? Let Mr know in the comments below.


  1. Enjoy your new month....you had a great January, and it sounds like work is going well, too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I hope - blogging-wise - that everything works better in Februrary! At least you have lots of ideas for posts, that's a good start! I don't have inspirating for new blog posts, which sucks, ugh. I'm thinking and thinking and thinking but my mind always goes blank! >.<

    Also it's great that you upped your rating for Everything, Everything! I really liked the book! :)
    Yvonne @ A World Between Folded Pages

  3. Happy February! Glad work went well and good luck with the slump. I've been reading a bit less YA too, same problem- just not finding the right reads. So much good stuff coming out though that might change. :)

  4. Sounds like you had a good month, I have been reading tons this month too! I have just got to get organised and get them reviewed!
