Taylor Swift Has A Squad, I want one! [Original Tag]

Taylor Swift has her squad of her favourite ladies as seen in her Bad Blood Video and I thought if Taylor Swift has a squad I want one and I especially want a bookish one!

According to the ever helpful Wikipedia a squad consists of 9 people excluding a "leader". So to obtain my squad I am going to pick 9 bookish character's I think will give me something different in my squad and will therefore make the ultimate squad! Here we go:

The first that comes to mind is Magnus Bane from TMI by Cassandra Clare. Magnus would be my "supermodel" of my squad, he's super cool and stylish and can kick ass at the same time. 

I would then have Shane from the Morganville Vampire Series by Rachel Caine. He is my bae. (yes am really using the word bae) He is loyal, can kick ass and I would just love to see Magnus and him together I think they would hate each other and it would be so amusing for me.

I need some girl power to kick ass so I would have Rose from Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. Rose is my ultimate kick ass girl. I need her on my team! 

We need some hotness to look at in my squad so I would definitely have to have Eric from Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. Eric is one of my top book boyfriedns and he's a vampire, we need a vampire on this squad.

I think I need someone to help control this lot as am only playing pretend leader. So I think a good second in command would be Matthew from the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. If you have 'read the series you know Matthew is a born leader, an alpha plus he's my book boyfriend!

We need some more ladies up in this squad so I would have Anna from the It Girl series by Katy Birchall. She would keep everyone entertained as she is hilarious! And I would love to have Cassie from the 5th wave trilogy by Rick Yancey, as again she's kick ass and resourceful. She would definitely not get on with Rose. In all matters I don't think anyone would get on with Rose. 

The last two members of the squad would be Dobby because you have to have some one from Harry Potter and he is my favourite and Magnus can give him some of his clothes. And finally Christian from 50 Shades by EL James, he's good with knots and stuff!! :)

What you all think of my squad? I kinda love it! I tag you all as I want to see your squads, if you do the tag tweet me @teamwolf1988 so I can see.  But I want to tag some people especially as they would make my "bookish blog squad"

Kerry Ann @ A Bookish Red Head
Becca & Lisa @ Lost In Literature
Sarah Jane @ The Book Life
Tiffany @ About to read
Trish @ Between My Lines
Sasha @ abookutopia


  1. Lol! I've not seen this before, but it's fun! I have a feeling anyone who comes up against your squad will just be knocked dead by all the good-lookingness first. ;)

    1. Lol I had so much fun doing this post. And of course I just had to pick a lot of hot book characters LOL

  2. Lol. "He's good with knots and stuff." Seems like a legit reason to me! And yes to Magnus!! He's definitely a favorite of mine. Thanks for the tag! :-)

    1. Lol I had to pick Christian and that's the only reason I could pick of course he would be an awesome squad member.

  3. I agree with with @ Lori ^^ such a legitimate reason for Christian Grey.. is that the only reason? We've got bad blood! Prepare to fight my squad! :-P

    1. Of course it's the on my reason! My squad will beat your hive!

  4. This is hilarious and wonderful! I love your squad :)

  5. This is awesome! I need a squad full of fictional characters. Never mind that they might not actually go well together. Having them on my team would insure success in whatever I might want to take over. Great post!

    1. Thank you! I had such fun with this post! And I love that half my squad would hate each other lol

  6. Matthew is on your squad? Le sigh. This is such a fun post.I need to think about my squad..so many characters to choose from.
