Eve Brenner: zombie girl blog tour- Interview & #Giveaway

Note: *Giveaway exclusive to my blog.There is a tour wide giveaway at the end BUT if you want to win an ebook of Eve Brenner: Zombie Girl leave me a comment below. A random winner will be drawn June 2nd*

Interview with author  A. Giacomi 
  1. Tell is a bit about yourself and your writing journey.
I’m proudly Canadian with an Italian background. I speak Italian fluently and wish I could say the same about French, but I’m a bit rusty. I’m a writer, an educator, and artist. I love to sketch and paint when I can, although these days time is harder to come by with a toddler running around. I’m a bit of Netflix addict, and have a need to binge watch everything and anything. I have many shows and films that I fangirl over. Especially The Walking Dead, I can’t get enough of it.
My writing journey started when I was in elementary school. I wrote poetry and stories in my journal everyday instead of writing about crushes and venting about pre-teen life. I continued this into adulthood and then a couple of years ago I decided it was time to try and get something published. I’ve had The Zombie Girl Saga brewing in my head since high school and I finally sat down to write it after having my son. I did for him since I was too afraid to do it for me. Here was this little guy all of a sudden and one day I would have to tell him to follow his dreams, and how could I do that without trying to reach some of my own? With that new inspiration I went at the series hard. Once the first book had been completed I sent it out to numerous publishers and agents. There is so much rejection that comes with anything creative. It’s subjective and these days the gates are flooded. There were some kind emails, great advice, but no takers until about a year had gone by. Then Permuted Press greeted me with a yes, and not only a yes, but a willingness to take on an entire series by an unknown author. To say I’m grateful is barely scratching the surface. 
2) Tell us a little about Zombie Girl

The story is told through multiple perspectives, Eve, our zombie girl, and her two best friends. I like the multiple angles because as Eve begins to transform we need others to help tell the tale of how the zombie becomes the zombie.
This story isn’t quite like other zombie stories; the focus is on the zombie and her struggle to remain human. The zombie mythology gets new origins that aren’t fully exposed until book 3, and Eve is not your typical zombie. She might be dead, but she’s powerful.
3) Where does the inspiration for Zombie Girl come from?

The character of Eve came to me in a dream back in high school. She started out as a sketch in one of my art books. I created her as an undead comic book superhero of sorts. At that time there weren’t many strong female characters in the spotlight, there was no Katniss, or Tris, or Bella…and as for the superhero world, women had been nothing more than sidekicks from time to time. I wanted so badly to have a female lead that could save the world on her own.
The story blossomed over time; I wanted her to be more relatable, and oddly enough more human. The story needed to be about someone losing their humanity, but gaining insight about what’s truly important in life, or after life.

Eve Brenner: Zombie Girl by A. Giacomi 

(The Zombie Girl Saga #1) 
Published by: Permuted Press
Publication date: January 25th 2015
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Zombies


Eve used to be an ordinary girl, from an ordinary town, with ordinary dreams, but her dreams rapidly turn into nightmares when one grave mistake leaves her a little less than human and a lot less average.
Eve’s not quite the same girl she used to be. She desperately clings to her humanity as new desires, new abilities, and new urges take over with each passing day.
Eve Brenner: Zombie Girl is a tale that takes you on an emotional and terrifying journey as Eve struggles to cope with her new life and find a  cure for her strange illness before time runs out. She desperately clings to her humanity as she tries to control the monster she knows is lurking inside her.
Turns out living was the easy part.


A Giacomi is the author of the wildly entertaining Zombie Girl Saga, a four part series from Permuted Press. Eve Brenner: Zombie Girl is A. Giacomi’s debut novel. You can catch the latest updates about her writing on her blog: www.poeticzombie.com

A. Giacomi is a wife, and mother to one small human child. She is a Canadian born writer, educator, and artist. She proudly waves her York University Alumni flag and continues to thirst for knowledge and devour books. She is a zombie enthusiast, lover of all things Tim Burton, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Marvel, Star Wars and just generally just loves film, essentially she’s a fangirl.

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Tour-wide giveaway (US/CAN only)
  • A Zombie Girl T-Shirt, ebook, pen, tote, notebook, and signed poster


  1. Thanks for hosting today, Megan! :)

  2. Zombie Girl looks like a good read. Thanks for the giveaway!! A lot of neat items.

    1. Hey you won the ebook of zombie girl. Can you please let me know your email address

      Megan @ reading away the days
