Interview with M.Beth Bloom & #Giveaway

Blurb taken from Epic

Eva has always wanted to write a modern classic—one that actually appeals to her generation. The only problem is that she has realized she can't "write what she knows" because she hasn't yet begun to live. So before heading off to college, Eva is determined to get a life worth writing about.
Soon Eva's life encounters a few unexpected plot twists. She becomes a counselor at a nearby summer camp—a job she is completely unqualified for. She starts growing apart from her best friends before they've even left for school. And most surprising of all, she begins to fall for the last guy she would have ever imagined. But no matter the roadblocks, or writer's blocks, it is all up to Eva to figure out how she wants this chapter in her story to end.
Perfect for fans of E. Lockhart, David Levithan, and Rainbow Rowell, Don't Ever Change is a witty, snarky, and thought-provoking coming-of-age young adult novel about a teen who sets out to write better fiction and, ultimately, discovers the truth about herself.

Tell me a little about yourself and your writing career?

I was born and raised here in Los Angeles, with only a brief stint across and out of the country.  Some might say I'm SO LA.  I initially went to school with the hopes of becoming a playwright and studied the craft all through college.  Somewhere in there I found a love for short story writing and an obsession with the idea of the NOVEL.  I never thought I'd write one, let alone a young adult one, but the concept of creating such a long work with such languid timing and pacing intrigued me.  Could I do it?  Yes... Sort of... Lots of drafts, energy, weirdness, blockage, tears, and then my first novel DRAIN YOU appeared.  From there it was write, write, write, till you fall on the bed.

Tell us about your novel Dont Ever Change?

Eva is a graduating senior, who much like myself at the time, is obsessed with being a writer.  She doesn't want to live really, just record, and this poses a problem when her favorite teacher has to point out her arrogance.  She spends the summer before college as a camp counselor, losing her friends, her cool, her mind... It's meant to be witty and charming and hopefully self-reflexive in a way that strikes a ding with other such stubborn creatives.  

Where did the idea for the novel come from?

My own life mostly.  My journey as a young writer and arrogant brat.  I also worked at a summer camp and did a horrible job at everything but hanging out with the kids.  I could barely take care of myself and there I was leading a bunch of girls who hadn't yet learned the meaning of angst or depression or rent.  And I was certainly allergic to fun.

Describe your Protagonist Eva in 140 Characters or less.
She won't ever change.

Why should we pick up Don't ever change?

It's not every YA protagonist who's got such a minor, but real, struggle.  Eva doesn't have to save the world, the dystopian future, herself or a friend from a fatal disease - she just has to mature at an age when she's sure she knows it all. I see Eva in the new wave of feminist; she's embracing the wholeness of herself, a strong woman but also being a complicated, messy, funny, dramatic one.  

Don't Ever Change is available VIA Harper Teen July 7th


Author M.Beth Bloom has offered a hard copy of her book Don't Ever Change to one lucky reader. Giveaway is International. Ends 20th July 2015