My April Reads!


So last month I didn't reach my target to read six books in March :( At the beginning of the month I was on a two week course and didn't have time to read and I just never caught up on all the books! :( I only managed to read two out of the six, which is terrible. If you want to see my reviews of the two I did read you can click the links below.

Review of Bloodline by Kate Cary

Review of Life as we knew by Susan Pffefer

So as I failed last month am determined to meet my target this month. This month I want to read six books to make up for not reading six last month. They are:

Am also reading an Ebook called Being by T.R Mousner.

So hopefully I will meet my target. Also this month am taking part in Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon. I will post a list of the books I want to read during the read-a-thon sometime next week.

Megan :)


  1. I loved the Susan Beth Pfeffer series... especially the last in the series.

    I will be looking forward to your thoughts of The Forest Adventure... I have not seen that one yet. Nice title and a sweet cover... off to check it our on Goodreads. :)

  2. @Shellie I have only read the first in Susan's series and am looking forward to reading the rest.

    I won The Forest of Adventures from the author. Katie is great. Can't wait to read it!
