Guest Post & #Giveaway: Beth Balmanno author of Set in Stone

Today on Reading Away The Days I would like to welcom author Beth Balmanno. Author of Set In Stone. Enjoy the guest post from Beth on Why Writing Sequels Sucks and check out the giveaway at the end!


Why (Writing) Sequels Sucks


Don't let the title of this blog post fool you. I an a huge fan of sequels. Like, biggest-fan-ever kind of fan. I'm the kind of reader who falls in love with the heroes and the bad boys, who wants to be all BFF with the protagonists and move into their towns and live their lives and basically be the ultimate creepy stalker. And read about them forever.

But it's a whole different ball game when you're the one writing the sequel. Because, suddenly, there is this pressure. To make sure it lives up to the first book. To be sure to satisfy readers. And to reconnect with characters who mightjust mighthave taken a little hiatus from your thoughts.

When I finished writing Set in Stone, I was happy with the ending. Kind of. Well, not really at all. I mean, it ended the way it needed to end. And, without giving too much away, there really was no other way to bring the story to a least not without adding another 300 or so pages to the book. So I wrote the last scene and sobbed uncontrollably and hit the publish button. And I thought to myself, “Well, I can always write a little something for me. A nice little story to bring my characters back.” (And for my 13 year-old daughter. Because she is probably the biggest stalker-fan ever when it comes to my book.)

But then people started reading it. And they liked it. Some people even loved it. And very nearly all of them said the exact same thingin emails to me, in FB comments and in reviews: When is the sequel coming out?

Gulp. I guess I'm not writing it just for me and the kid anymore...and I guess I need to get it done sooner rather than later. Because people are waiting. And that is a seriously wonderful and surreal thing to know.

So I'm in the thick of it. Writing the sequel. 15K words in, as a matter of fact. And the pressure is mounting as I try to grow my characters and flesh out scenes and create this second chapter of their story. Thankfully, Noel and Valerie are whispering in my ear. And Geoff is yelling. And new characters have appeared out of nowhere.

The trickle of ideas has turned into a steady stream. I hope it continues. So that I can give readers what they want. A sequel worthy of the original, a sequel that touches them and warms their hearts the way Set in Stone did.

Wish me luck.

Buy Set In Stone on Amazon

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  1. Love this post! I'm busy writing a sequel to my book, Shadow Eyes, as well. It is hard! After reading several author's sequels and series out there, I've just come to the conclusion that it probably won't top and maybe not even match the first one. But if it at least comes close, I will be happy. Your book (which sounds great by the way!) seems to be similar to mine in that it has such great mystery in it that drives you to the end. That's one thing I'm trying to make sure I have enough of in the sequel too, since that was definitely one of the best parts - to me anyway and several of my readers. :) Best of luck to you! And to me - I entered!

  2. This was a very interesting post, thank you !
