| I loved Girl Online. There has been so much critism of Zoe and the rumor of a ghost writer but I can see Zoe all over this book. In the things the character loves, in the personality of the character and one big similarly is the character Penny's struggle with panic attacks and anxiety. Everyone knows that Zoe has struggled and still struggles with these issue. Thats all I want to say on the whole ghost writing issue. On to the review of Girl Online.
The story is romantically cliche but I loveI loved Girl Online. There has been so much criticism of Zoe and the rumour of a ghost writer but I can see Zoe all over this book. In the things the character loves, in the personality of the character and one big similarly is the character Penny's struggle with panic attacks and anxiety. Everyone knows that Zoe has struggled and still struggles with these issues it has been well documented online. On to my review of Girl Online.
The story is romantically cliché but I love cliché romance and it was just so cute. The story takes you from Brighton to New York. And Penny the main protagonist grows so much. She learns to deal with her struggles to realise she is beautiful and unique, her own person. She may learn this from Noah, the love interest but she realises when he's not around she can still be this person.
Girl Online has great characters aside from the protagonists. My favourite was Elliot, Penny's best friend he was so quirky and fun and had his own struggles.
Girl Online is real, the romance may be cliché, all romances aren't like Penny's and Noah's, that's every girls dream relationship but Penny was real. She could be any girl out there with insecurities, anxiety and not knowing who they are. It touches on the good and bad side of the internet and shows you that you may think you know someone online but you really only know a tiny percentage of who they really are.
I really loved Girl Online and can't wait for more from Penny, Girl Online! |
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