The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness in one word...phenomenal!! I am in love with this series. The All Souls Trilogy is an adult historical PNR, and one of the best I have ever read!

I read the first book in the series, A Discovery of Witches back in 2011 and adored it. When I read the second book in the series, Shadow of Night in 2013, I devoured it and two years later, in July this year when I read the last book in the trilogy, The Book Of Life, I had so many feels. I cried, I was shocked, I smiled, I cheered and ultimately I fell in love forever with this trilogy!
To prove how much I love this series I re read the first two books in July in preparation for the last book and four months later, last month, I read all three books in the trilogy again!!

This trilogy has so much to offer, it's like a perfect recipe for my favorite book! It has vampires, daemons (daemons portrayed in an awesome way) and witches. We have a romance to rival the best romances ever. A couple who go against thousands of years of history. They have so many barriers against them not only people but themselves. There's amazing secondary characters who are both fictional and non-fictional (with added awesomeness) There's history galore and this can only be done perfectly by a real life Historian. The mystery and complicated storyline could only be written by a real life weaver that is author Deborah Harkness!
Book lovers out there can understand how much you fall in love with a book that feels like falling down Alice's Rabbit Hole to Wonderland. This series will live with me, like the tenth know of the weaver's spell, whole and forever!

Have you read this series? What are your thoughts on it? Have you ever read a series that has given you all the feels like this trilogy has for me?
I've started The Discovery of Witches but I haven't finished it yet. A lot of books have overtaken it in my reading list but I'm still invested so I'll definitely be reading the book as well as the rest of the series. :)